🌦️ ʀᴇɪᴛᴀ

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Toritsuka Reita x Enby!reader

Requested by illalwaysbeavillain
And Bumble_Bee0123

Tw: this one shot includes self harm;; please do not read if you're clean/or find this disturbing.

You guys both wanted angst and fluff with toritsuka so here it is,, I'm sorry it took me so long<3

(Angst and fluff)


More and more blood.. This feels... Nice.

The blood dripped down from my arm; this feeling is so familiar yet so... I felt Ecstatic.

I am not supposed to harm myself at school but I had enough of feeling so miserable at the time, this is relieving... Especially since I got yelled at by my peers this morning.

Looking closer at my reflection in the mirror I bit my lip nervously. My eyebags are very noticeable... I hate this uniform, it makes me stand out. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head, washing the box cutter and putting it in my pocket I then cleaned up the blood with some of the tissues and waited for my wounds to stop bleeding.

rolling down the sleeves of my cardigan, I walk out of the bathroom.

I could feel my lousy feet hitting against the inside tip of my shoes as I headed to class. My hand hovered over the handle for a bit until I slid the door open. The teacher looked at me with pursed lips. "What took you so long?"

"I'm sorry." I couldn't say anything else, she was taken aback by that and shook her head. "Please just sit down, L/n-San."

Nodding I shuffled to my seat, My eyes flickering; the pain of my head wouldn't leave.

"Are you okay?" A lilac haired boy worriedly whispered to me.

I slowly looked at him with tired eyes, I only nodded in response.

Now all I have to do is wait until I get home. Can't bear the thought of being here any longer.


The last bell rang through, everyone seemed relieved it's finally the end of today's school-day. "Dismissed."

I packed my textbooks and everything else in my bag. I slouched a bit and I slid the bag on.

"L/n-San!" The familiar voice perked my ears up. "Hm?"

Toritsuka struggled to put his bag on his shoulder but then he smiled my way. "Do you want to hang out at my place?"

I was about to decline until I remembered that I always turned Toritsuka down. He always tries to grab my attention but I don't pay mind to it.

"Okay.. just nothing perverted, okay?" I jokingly said.

Toritsuka has never looked at me that way which makes me feel utterly happy, he respects my boundaries.

He laughed it off and nodded. "Of course, I just want to show you something tonight."

So we'll be hanging out all day... "Okay, I'll be looking forward to it."

My heartbeat picked up, and my cheeks and nose turned rosy.

Toritsuka smiled slightly. "Then what are you waiting for? Come on."

I nod and follow him down to his place. I heard from him that he lives in a temple. I'm kind of interested if I'm honest.


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