The Chase Is On

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Go!” yelled the Chief as he headed for the girl on the couch. “I’ve got this!”

Coleden pulled his gun and gave chase. He paused at the door in time to see Jason Banting pull something from his car and tuck it in his pocket. Coleden watched as he looked up and saw Coleden hesitating in the doorway. Banting took out his gun and fired two shots.

Coleden yelled “Get down” as he heard his mother scream.

The Chiefs “No ones hit” had him running out the door.

He had a really bad feeling about this guy. When he had come to do the first inspection Coleden hadn’t liked him one bit but he couldn’t figure out why. As a man of God, he normally didn’t judge people, especially on the first meeting. Something about this guy didn’t track or maybe it did and he just didn’t see it. 

As he got to the cars they covered him from the next two shots fired. He peeked out to see Banting disappear into the woods. His heart pumped hard as he entered the trees. “Lord, help me catch this guy and keep me and my family safe.” He prayed as another shot fired past his ear. He ducked into some bushes and watched for movement. Banting jumped up and ran toward the ravine. Coleden fired his first shot. When he got to the ravine, banting was nowhere to be seen.

Coleden was headed back toward the cottage when he heard another shot fired, followed by two rapid concession shots. He bolted through the trees just in time to see Banting driving towards him on the lane. Coleden fired a shot through the windshield as Banting veered toward him. He jumped back into the bush as Banting drove off in a cloud of dust.♣

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