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Jackson wasn’t sure what had just happened but he was sure that the woman crying in his arms had somehow become the most important thing in the world to him. One minute he was sitting in the waiting room trying to figure out how he was going to live without her and the next all hell was breaking loose! By the time he got to her room he was in a magnificent rage. He couldn’t believe the way her family had behaved! Heck never mind her family, even the Doctors were out of their minds! Her room was in absolute chaos! Everyone was yelling and fighting. He’d taken one look at her face and lost it.

Jackson pulled her closer and thrilled at the way she snuggled into his shoulder. His emotions where still running pretty high. They were kind of jumbled too. A lot had happened in two days. In his apartment he had been sure that she felt something for him besides simple attraction. But then when the news came on and he had thought that this Aaron guy was her husband, well he had just about lost his mind. Then, by some miracle, he’d managed to stay sane enough to figure out that the guy was her twin! Talk about an emotional roller coaster.

He simply couldn’t believe how much he loved her in such a short time. That was the other problem. He’d fallen in love before and had fallen out of love too, sometimes without realizing it and sometimes devastatingly hard. This feeling wasn’t like that. He loved Alex in such a deep way that it was independent of what she did or even how she felt about him! He had been raised to doubt love at first sight. His mother had taught him that love was more than the feeling that you got when you looked at someone.  It was even more than the decision to share your life with a person. Jackson felt that both had happened. He just knew that he would never love anyone else like this again. It was real, deep, and lasting. This was his mate, his other half.  He hadn’t even been sure how she felt about him until he’d seen the look on her face when he came in earlier.
Jackson felt like he would burst with the need to talk to her. His mind was racing, his heart was racing, desire was racing… but Alex was still extremely groggy. In fact she was half asleep as it was. He wasn’t even sure if she was really awake in the first place. She’d had that dazed and confused look about her when he’d sat on the bed with her. Like she wasn’t really sure what was going on but was very upset about it. She was pale and shaking when he pulled her into his arms.

Jackson was so deep in thought about it that he almost missed her soft sleepy voice.


He looked down at her before answering. Her eyes were closed and she had one arm around his neck. The other one was tucked under her cheek just like a little girl. She was as close to him as she could get and she was warm. Heat was radiating off of her. He smiled gently, his voice catching just a little with the tenderness he felt for her. He whispered softly, 

“Ya Alex?”  Her voice was so quiet he stopped breathing to hear her.

“Don’t leave me anymore, okay Jackson?” 

He squeezed her gently. “Never again Alex. Never again.” He felt her deep sigh of contentment as she drifted off to sleep. He didn’t blame her he felt pretty content himself. ♦️

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