The Right Treatment

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My heart was pounding so fast that I was sure the doctor was going to yell for a crash cart any second.  I was positive that I was having a heart attack. My blood was pounding in my ears so loud that it sounded scratchy. The technician spoke over a loudspeaker “Miss? Could you try to relax? The scan will not be accurate if you move around and we will have to do it over again.”  I grit my teeth. I was sooo sick of being called miss and ma’am it wasn’t even funny. And I can find humour in just about anything! I heard the speaker buzz again and quickly nodded my head to ward off another mini-lecture. I tried taking a deep steadying breath. Calm down, idiot! I chided myself for being so afraid. I couldn’t help it though. Ever since Jackson left me here I’d felt afraid. It was threatening to turn into a full-blown blown-panic attack. I was amazed at how safe I’d felt with him. 

I let my mind wander back to the Helicopter pad. A warm feeling flooded my body as I remembered his kiss.  He had pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. I rather liked it too I thought smiling to myself. He even promised to come and see me. I passed the rest of the exam fantasizing about our first meeting. Whew! Is it ever hot in here!

It took what seemed like forever to get through all the tests and scans. Just when one test was completed another Doctor would come into the room. He would poke and prod, consult the doc that had admitted me and they would put their heads together to think up more tests!  Every so often they would run out of ideas and re-order the same test again! HMO probably had a list with these guy’s names at the top of it! Highlighted!

The orderly was just wheeling me into my hospital room when a commotion broke out in the hallway.  A man's voice was bellowing for the doctor to get the heck in there and release him pronto! He had things to do darn it! A softer feminine voice lifted in admonishment.  Probably a nurse I mused. “Lady! Just release him and be done with it. A guy like that will be back in six weeks with clogged arteries no doubt. You can have your pound of flesh then. With his thanks!” The orderly laughed. “You could be right.” He said. “The guy's a cop I hear and not too well-liked at the moment. His boss has been breathing down these halls for days!” 

I laughed. “What did he do? Shoot the President?” 

The Orderly, a young guy with shaggy hair and freckles, flashed me a toothy grin. “Close. He let a killer get away. Got himself half-killed in the process too! His boss is really irate.” 

I felt the life drain out of my face. Terror engulfed me and I couldn’t breathe. My monitor started beeping franticly. I could hear the young man yelling out for the nurse. People came running into the room all talking at once. It seemed like pandemonium.  A light was flashed into my eyes. Someone was ripping my sleeve. I could hear one nurse shouting for me to answer her question. Was I allergic to any medication? The Doctor was suddenly at my side asking the nurse to make me stop screaming. I watched the whole scene with a kind of remote detachment. The last thing I remember was someone giving me a needle. 

When I came to it was very dark. A small light was on in the corner of the room and Jackson was talking quietly to a strange man that I did not recognize. I was shocked to see him standing there. Two huge tears of relief slid silently down my face. The terror that had gripped me started to let go and fade into the background. Still there, but quiet. I don’t remember sighing but I must have made some sound for the man looked up from their conversation and stared hard at me.

“I think your lady is awake J.D. Let me beg an introduction will you chap?”

Jackson turned sharply and came over to the bed. He beamed at me but his smile couldn’t hide the concern on his face. I wanted to ask him if everything was okay but when I tried to speak my voice was dry and cracked.

“Shhh…Don’t try and talk. It’s okay. I am not leaving you this time.” His tone was deliberately soft. His hand caressed my head. He inclined his head towards his friend. He said by way of introduction “Doc this is my lovely cousin.” Laughter made his voice light. “ Cuz’ this is Doctor Ross Graham.”

I broke eye contact to glance briefly at Ross. When I looked back Jackson was slowly looking me over from head to toe. His gaze travelled back up to my eyes again and lingered there. He broke into a fiendish grin and wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he said “The Doc would like to take a look at you if you don’t mind too much.”

I smiled back. Dr. Ross seemed kind of nice. Not like the two HMO nightmares from earlier. He was a mature man in his early fifties I guessed. Good looking too with sparkly blue eyes and a short crew cut that was pure white. He wasn’t quite as tall as Jackson though he topped his shoulder. 

I was incredibly thirsty. I looked around. There was a small green jug of water with a straw sticking out of it on the nightstand. I opened my mouth to ask for a drink but Jackson was asking me if I had understood his question. How irritating! My eyebrows drew together in a cross look. I wanted a drink but they just stood there waiting for me to give some sort of indication that I would like to be microscopically examined. Again! I felt a little grumpy and confused. Impatient, I tried to sit up. My face twisted with discomfort. I eyed the jug rather desperately and lay back down.

“Say old chap, I think your friend might be thirsty,”  Ross said. He came around the bed and picked up the jug. He sat on the edge of the bed and held the straw up to my lips. I gave him a grateful smile. Irritation flashed across Jackson's face. He came over to the other side of the bed and sat down too. “Sorry,” he mouthed silently to me. My eyebrows creased slightly. I lifted one corner of my mouth in silent acknowledgement. He took the jug from Ross and put the straw to my mouth again. He scowled at his friend. “Sorry old buddy but you play Doctor, I’ll play Nurse!” 

I raised one brow at his possessive tone. The Doctor stood.  “Quite right my good man.” He laughed. “Quite right!”  I gulped down half the jug before Jackson drew back. “Enough?” He queried. I nodded and rested again.

Ross leaned over me. “Now young lady, Shall we figure out what is wrong for you?” I smiled at him again.
The examination took longer than I had expected and I was very tired when Jackson smiled reassuringly at me and moved away from the bed. He and the Doctor were whispering in hushed tones. They are discussing me as if I’m not even here I thought tiredly. It probably never occurred to either one of them that I might want to be included in the conversation I huffed. Suddenly I was too tired to care.  They had been thorough and had addressed every aspect of my health. Ross wanted to know about my headaches; their frequency, duration, strength and the conditions at the onslaught. He asked about my eyes. What could I see? Was my vision blurry? Do I see color?

Jackson filled in and explained all the things I wasn’t sure about or didn’t know. How high was my fever? How long was I out at any given time? The Doc even asked about other things. How was I getting on emotionally? Did I remember anything at all? Was there any chance that I had been sexually assaulted? A full S.T.D. screening went without saying but did I want a pregnancy test?

“I am going to refer you for a psychiatric assessment too. I want you to be examined and monitored with regard to this amnesia. Trauma based amnesia is pretty tricky and you may need help with it. He can also prescribe any medication you may need to use for anxiety or pain.” His calm demeanour helped me to stay relaxed even though the topic was stressful, but by the time he called a cheery goodnight from the door my head was spinning. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed and edgy.

Jackson came back over and sat on the edge of the bed. His quiet “Are you okay?” brought tears to my eyes. I closed my eyes and let the tears slide down my face. I took a deep cleansing breath. “Ya. I think so.”  He wound my hand in his and we sat in comfortable silence. He hesitated as he asked. “Do you think it’s possible? I mean about being assaulted? I…I never thought. I should have thought…” He sounded so upset I squeezed his hand gently. “It’s okay Jackson.”  My voice was strained. “I don’t think so but I would rather not think about it if that’s okay with you.” I was overwrought. Tears started to fall again. “If you don’t mind,” He said looking into my eyes. “I’d like to stay here with you. I don’t want you to be alone right now.”  I laughed a watery sound trying not to sound too distraught. “Mind? Jackson, you are the only person I know!” I held tight to his hand. “Scoot over.” He said.  Jackson laid down on the bed beside me and put his arm over my side. I leaned my head against his chest and cried myself into a fitful sleep.  ♥️

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