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Detective Aaron Coleden was pissed! The moment that he had been sure was coming had finally arrived. In a way, he was relieved. Now he could knock Jackson’s lights in and be done with it. If he did it right he could even mitigate Lex’s anger and blame it all on Jackson! Before the thought had finished crossing his mind he felt ashamed. Lex did not deserve to be hurt, even if he was sure that Jackson was here to finally tell him to drift.

The close relationship that he and his twin shared had interfered with many of Aaron’s casual relationships. Girls looking to get closer to him had always felt intimidated by the bond he shared with his sister. Not that Lex ever did anything to interfere. It was just that they were so close that his girlfriends felt like they were outsiders all the time. Some had even complained that it was like dating a THIRD WHEEL!  Only a very few had ever made the mistake of approaching Lex to tell her to back off. After that fatal mistake, they had never heard from Aaron again!

Aaron put his case files in lock-up and yelled to his partner that he was leaving. There was no need to say more. If something came up he could be reached anywhere within minutes. He pointed the way out to Jackson and they left the station via the ‘cops’ entrance. Aaron fired up his car. It was a nice night and he felt more than a little ticked at the prospect of wasting it on Jackson. Not that he had a date or anything.

They had driven several miles when Jackson’s voice broke into his reverie. 

“Um… May I ask where we are headed?”

“Ya,” Aaron replied as he slowed the car and pulled over. He shut off the engine and got out of the car. “My place,” He said over his shoulder.

Jackson had to quicken his pace as Aaron disappeared around a corner.
Once inside Aaron led Jackson into the living room and left him looking at the pictures of his family that Lex had put up. He yelled from the kitchen.

“You still want that beer”?

He walked up behind Jackson and when he turned around handed him one.

“These are great photos. They really compliment this room."

Jackson took a tense drink while he waited for Aaron to reply.

“Come and sit” was all he said.

They sat in relative silence while they drank their beer. Jackson finished first. He set his empty bottle on the table and sat back. His arm over the back of the couch and his leg balanced across one knee. At least he doesn’t sit like a priss thought Aaron with sarcasm. Aaron’s own relaxed pose belied the angry tension in him.

His voice betrayed nothing as he asked, “Why did you want to see me Jackson”?

Jackson watched Aaron spew the mouthful of beer he had just swigged as he quietly said, “I came to ask your permission to marry your sister.”♣️

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