'Save you before i save myself' (Bill Kaulitz)

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February 12 2003, 1:07 pm,

"Leave him alone you jerk!" I yelled at this guy that had been bullying bill for months. I shielded Bill as the bully glared down at me in anger,

"Who do you think you are?! Oh i will make you pay!" The bully shouted before shoving me backwards roughly, Getting up in my face and everything. The bully had been hitting and kicking me repeatedly, And just as he was about to hit me again, the principal came out.

"B/N (Bully's name), come to my office, right now." The principal said harshly. as i quickly scooted backwards and stumbled to get up and run to the nurses office.

After 10 minutes, i walk into class with a plaster on my nose, a small split on my lip, a bruise on my cheek and a scratch on my cheek. I was in pain, the bruise was aching and the split on my lip stung..but it was worth it to protect bill, Id rather be the one in pain than bill.


July 2nd 2005, 11:32 am,

Bill was laying on me, crying into my chest as i tried my best to comfort him. I rubbed his back, kissed his head, stroked his hair, gotten him water and food, ive tried cuddling him and giving him lots of kisses but nothing was working. Everything that usually made him feel better wasnt helping at all,

"Love, its okay..Dont let it get to you, You're amazing and extremely talented. You guys are becoming one of the most famoust bands already, Just ignore everyone thats doubting you and focus on yourself and your band and i promise it'll all work out" I say softly as i continue trying to comfort bill but he just buries his head even further into my chest.

"Baby its horrible, People are giving us death threats because we're an upcoming band! I dont get it!" Bill cried out. I wanted to stay and comfort him so badly, but its hard because right now im getting bullied by almost every girl in school for dating bill. Im going through my own stuff and want to cry with him, but i know hes getting hate from more people than i am..so for now i just suck it up and comfort him.

"I know liebe, I know.. Just try ignore them as much as you can. Not everybody is going to love you guys or like you guys but there will be millions of others that do! You shouldnt give up something you guys are amazing at just because some cold hearted jerks that have nothing better to do than be rude arent supporting your band." I say softly which makes bill look up at me through his watery eyes.

"Yeah..your right..Thanks Schön" He said with a weak smile as he leant up and kissed me, I couldnt help but smile against his lips as i kissed him back. I was so happy that i was able to make him feel better, After all i will always want him to be happy even if that means i have to be sad.


August 2nd 2006, 7:04 pm,

I shook in fear, crying as gunshots went off. I was so terrified, One minute everything was calm and normal and the next minute there was a shooter in the school and everyone was screaming and crying. I couldn't believe this was happening, I never thought id be in a situation like this. As i stayed huddled in the corner, using a book to shield my head just to be careful, I heard the door burst open. Other students in my class instantly started crying, screaming and pleading. All i wanted was to be safe, Shield myself from any shots until suddenly i heard an all too familiar voice crying out for help. Bills. Without even thinking, I got up and sprinted towards Bill. 

"Dont hurt him!" I cried out loudly as quickly shielded bill from the shooter. I spread my arms out, tears running down my cheeks as i protected Bill. I didnt let myself think before throwing myself infront of him, Should I have done that? Wait, What am i thinking! Its my boyfriend, i would do anything for him, Even if that means risking my life. Just as i prepared myself to get shot i heard the police burst into the classroom. 

"Hands up right now!! You're under arrest!" A cop yelled out loudly, Pointing a gun at the shooter's back while 3 other cops come through with guns, pointing them at the shooter as well as a warning. As the sounds of the cops escorting and arresting the shooter filled the room i stayed still. My eyes were squeezed shut, My lip was quivering, I was panting heavily and shakily as tears continued to roll down my cheek.

"Oh my god, Y/N" Bill said as he hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder.

"I love you so much, i thought i was going to lose you, i was so scared..I can't believe you did that for me" Bill said through sobs, Clinging to me tighter than ever. I slowly opened my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, shaking from fear from what just happened. i couldnt process what had happened properly, It felt fake. I was so close to dying, But by some miracle i got saved just on time. I felt Bill's body shaking in my arms as his grip on me tightened, Burying his head further into my shoulder as his tears soaked my hoodie.

"I dont know what i would do without you, I was so scared" Bill whispered into my shoulder, Clinging to me even more for comfort. All i could do was rub his back slowly and kiss his hair softly. Did i really just do that? Risk my life for him?


Present time, 11:34 pm,

"Do you even love me?! Because you dont fucking act like it!" Bill yelled in anger, slamming his hand on the kitchen bench, causing me to flinch.

"How dare you even say that! I love you with all my heart, I do everything for you, I sacrifice so much for you and you have the audacity to say i dont act like i love you?!" I scream back, my eyes brimming with tears. I was so furious that Bill could even think that.

"Yeah right! When have you ever done anything for me?! You dont spend time with me anymore, you barely talk to me and you never want to come on tours with me!" Bill yells again, Shoving a glass of water off the bench. The glass smashed, water and glass shards going everywhere. I couldnt help but cry from anger, sadness, frustration and annoyance. I had all these emotions taking me over all at once, And then i snapped.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! I work my ass off every fucking day because i dont want to be known as the girl who lives off of her boyfriends money, I dont come on tours just so you can have your freedom and not worry about me, I dont spend time with you because every fucking time i try to you always say no!" I scream back through tears, Bills face drops and a look of regret and sadness spread across his face. 

"Im constantly risking everything for you! When we first became friends i got beaten up just to protect you, When your band first  became famous and got all those death threats i comforted you and put your feelings before mine even though i was going through a hard time as well! And when the school shooting was happening i fucking risked my life for you! I threw myself infront of a gun for you, I WAS WILLING TO DIE FOR YOU!" I scream at him, shoving him backwards out of anger.

"Baby..Im so sorry, I know you went through so much for me I just- I was upset and felt like i was losing you.." Bill says in a now gentle tone, Reaching his hand out to me. I sighed and let my head fall into my hands before speaking in a shaky and defeated voice,

"I always put you first..I will forever save you before i save myself."

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