'Missing you' (Bill Kaulitz)

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*Ring, Ring*

*Ring, Ring*

My eyes fluttered open and i looked at my phone, I groaned tiredly as i answered the call.

"Hello.." I yawned into the phone,

"Hey love" Bill says through the phone, I feel a smile plaster across my face as i realised it was him.
Bills my boyfriend of 1 year and 2 months ago he left for a tour which I couldnt go to because of work, I had missed him so much but we still tried to call as much as we could. Lately he hasnt been able to call much because hes been very busy, which i understand.

"Hey babe, How was your day?" I ask as i rub my eyes,

"It was good, Really busy but i still had fun. I miss you, I wish you were here with me" He huffs out, I smile to myself as i heard him say that.

"I know babe, me too." I replied as i rolled onto my stomach now,

"When you get back ill give you all the attention you need, Okay?" I say with a small giggle, He chuckled lightly.

"Yes please, I cant wait to see you again" He says followed by a small yawn,

"You tired love?" I asked as i rose from my bed and was now sitting on my knees,

"Yeah but I wanna keep talking to you" He whined which made me giggle again.

We talked for about an hour, He told me everything about his tour and about how much he missed me and i told him everything that had happened since he left. We never ran out of things to talk about, But eventually my eyes grew heavy and i started to drift to sleep.

"Im gonna go to sleep now, Goodnight Bill. I love you" I mumbled into the phone as i was half asleep, I could hear him chuckle on the other line.

"Goodnight beautiful, I love you too"
was the last thing I heard before i fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and saw a few texts from bill,

Bill: Goodmorning my love! I miss you so much but I will see you soon, Very soon. I love you

I read his text out loud to myself with a small smile, Hes so cute. I texted back saying goodmorning and that i love and miss him aswell before getting out of bed, I headed downstairs and felt myself frown a bit. Every morning I cone down stairs and see bill cooking us both breakfast but ever since he left i kept forgetting he wouldnt be downstairs cooking for me, so whenever i remember hes not here i find myself getting a bit disappointed.

I just couldnt wait for bill to be back from tour.


Another 3 weeks had passed and bill was coming home soon, I wasnt sure when exactly but I knew it was soon.

I was at home watching a movie, I couldnt stop thinking about how much I missed bill. It was honestly killing me!
Just then I heard a knock at my door, I was confused as i didnt expect any visitors but when i opened the door I saw a package but not a single person close to my house. I just shrugged it off as i picked up the package and walked back inside, I placed the package on the counter and began opening it. I saw a beautiful purple mini dress, My jaw dropped at it and i could feel a wide smile spread across my face.

 I saw a beautiful purple mini dress, My jaw dropped at it and i could feel a wide smile spread across my face

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I took the dress out of the box and it revealed a black pair of heels that matched perfectly, Next to the heels was a small box. I opened it and saw a vivienne westwood necklace, I gasped quietly to myself as i admired the necklace. I looked back down at the box and saw a note, I picked it up and read it.

Y/N, My love.

I have missed you so much and I cant wait to see you again, I hope you love the dress and heels because I think they will look stunning on you. I also hope that you love the necklace aswell, I saw it a couple months ago and it immediately reminded me of you so i thought it would be perfect for you. Put your new outfit on and come to ***** street, Another suprise will be waiting for you.

Love, Bill xoxo

I felt myself blush as i finished reading the note, I hurriedly grabbed the dress, heels and necklace and rushed upstairs to put them on. Once i had put the whole outfit i put on some simple but really good makeup and i straightened my hair, I then sprayed myself with bills favorite perfume of mine and checked myself out in the mirror one last time before heading out.

About 20 minutes later I had arrived at the address he had wrote and it was a massive house, I began walking upto the steps and was met with Tokio Hotels bodyguards. I smiled and said hello and they did the same as they opened the door for me, As soon as i walked in i noticed that the lights had been dimmed and that there was a walk way that had been lit up by candles on the ground. I noticed the rose petals and i smiled at how cute and romantic it was, I followed the path and it led upstairs to a balcony, I was a little confused but still I went to the edge of the balcony and looked down at the ground. And there was bill. Standing in the backyard in the middle of a heart shape made from rose petals and candles, I squealed excitedly as he held up a sign that had 'I love you!' written on it. I rushed back down stairs and out to where bill was and i gasped loudly as he was now on one knee and no longer holding the sign up, I walked right up infront of him with a wide smile.

"Y/N, My love, You are the most perfect girl for me. I couldnt imagine being with anybody else but you, You have made me smile and laugh and feel happy at times that nobody could. Not even Tom. You have made me feel things that i didnt know i could ever feel towards someone, Each day I fall more and more in love with you. With your smile, your laugh, your voice, your eyes, your hair, your personality, Everything about you draws me in."

He takes a small pause as i hold my hand over my mouth, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Being away from you for the last 3 months has been the hardest thing i could do because i know i can barely last even a second without you, From the day I met you I knew i would want to be with you forever and this tour without you has just proven it more. So Y/N M/N L/N, Will you marry me?"

His eyes watered as he said that, He pulled out a box and opened it revealing the most gorgeous diamond ring ever. I gasped loudly and began crying as i nodded, He stood up and i immediately ran into his arms.

"Yes Bill! Yes, Yes, Yes! Ofcourse I'll marry you!" I scream happily as i hug him tightly, He picked me up and twirled me around and as soon as he put me down I noticed the rest of the guys standing close by, recording the moment and cheering. I smiled widely as i blew a friendly kiss to all of them and then continued to pull bill into a passionate kiss, Which he returned happily and held me close to him. After a few seconds we pulled away and he wiped the tears from my face with a sappy smile and whispered agsinst my lips sweetly,

"I love you so much, My gorgeous wife."

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