'Better around you' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Bill and me have been dating for almost a year and i am honestly so in love with him, Hes the sweetest, most caring and softest boyfriend ever. We hangout almost everyday, Today we didnt though because i was busy but he ended up calling me rewlly late at night.

*Ring, Ring*

*Ring, Ring*

I rushed over to my phone and picked up the call knowing it was Bill,

"Hey love" I say into the phone as i let out a small yawn,

"N/N, Can you come over? Pleaseeee I miss you" He replies in a slight whiny voice which makes me giggle,

"Bill its 10:12 at night, Its to late to come over" I say with a small chuckle as sit on the edge of my bed.

"I knowww..but please? Youd be the bestest girlfriend EVERRR" He exclaims, exaggerating the 'Bestest' and 'ever'.
I let out a fake, sarcastic gasp,

"Im not already the bestest girlfriend ever?!" I say jokingly, beginning to make fake crying sounds.

"No, no, no! You are! Buttttt..youd be an even better girlfriend if you came over like right now, Pleaseeeee" He begs as he drags out the 'e' which makes me chuckle quietly,

"Okay, Okay...Ill be over in 10" I say as i finally give in, I hear a happy squeal over the phone and i begin to laugh again.

"Thank you baby!! Ill be waiting for you, I love you" he hums happily before hanging up, I smile to myself about how cute Bill was.

"Okay, Time to get ready" I mutter to myself as i get off my bed and stretch, walking over to my closet. I pull out a pair of baggy basketball shorts and one of Bill's hoodies that he left at my house and chuck it on, I decided to put my hair in a loose braid. I put on a little mascara and some lip balm and then sprayed myself in Bills favorite perfume of mine, I put some slippers on, grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.


I had finally reached bills house and after parking my car i rushed to his front door, Knocking a few times before he yelled that it was open. I burst through the door and saw bill sitting on the couch, I quickly pull my shoes off and then run over to the couch and jump into bills lap, He wraps his arms around me tightly while i bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you all day gorgeous" He hums happily as he slowly rubs my back,

"I missed you to my love" I hum against his neck happily, He pulls back from the hug to look me in my eyes. I look back at him and he smiles softly, Before i can say anything he attacks me with soft kisses all over my face which makes me giggle. This goes on for about 30 seconds before he finally stops and intertwines my fingers with his and smiles at me softly,

"Sooo...What do you wanna do?" I ask and he gives me a small smirk as he lifts my hand up and squeezes it gently,
I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Can i pleaseeee paint your nails?" he says as he tilts his head and gives me an innocent smile, I pursed my lips as i looked down at my nails then back at him.

"Yeah why not" As soon as i said that he grinned widely and picked me up, I quickly wrapped my legs and arms around him as i didnt want him to drop me. He brought me up to his room and layed me on his bed, He cupped my face and kissed me softly which gave me butterflies. Once we pulled away from the kiss he happily ran to his desk and grabbed his white and black nail polish then jumped back onto the bed witu me, I sat up with my legs crossed and held my hands out for him to do my nails.

After a couple of minutes he finished my left hand, I looked at it with a wide smile. He did french tips and stars on all my nails and it looked so cute!
He then began doing my other hand and after a couple more minutes he finished that hand aswell, Now i just had to wait for it to dry.

"Bill these are so cute!" I squealed happily as i looked at my nails, I looked back at him and his face was flushed a bright red which made me laugh.

"Bill these are so cute!" I squealed happily as i looked at my nails, I looked back at him and his face was flushed a bright red which made me laugh

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I went on my phone while i waited for my nail polish to fully dry, And by the time it did it was very late. I looked over at bill who looked very tired, I decided to get up and turn the light off then i sat back down on the bed and turned to bill.

"Are you tired, Love?" I asked as i put my phone on his nightstand and scooted closer to him, He didnt respond but instead dropped down onto the bed and put his head on my lap. I smiled down at him and i began running my fingers through his hair, He hummed happily as i did so. I leaned my head down and kissed his forehead softly,

"Goodnight Bill, I love you" I whispered to him and he had a small smile plastered across his face,

"Goodnight gorgeous, I love you to" He mumbled in a low voice as he turned his head on my lap, He was now facing my stomach and his hand was resting on my inner thigh, just infront of his face. As he slowly fell asleep i continued to stroke his hair and look down at him in awe, As i was in a small daze from his attractiveness i couldnt help but smile to myself.

I feel like a better version of myself around him, And i love it.

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