'Nothing lasts forever' pt2 (Bill Kaulitz)

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It had been months since i had last seen my girlfriend, Y/N. Months since i had last held her, hugged her, kissed her, talked to her, told her i love her. I have been visiting her, But it didnt feel right to say that i had seen her..Because i hadn't really seen her, And i wouldn't really see her until she was awake again, looking into my eyes again. My girl..My beautiful, beautiful girl didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve what happened to her and she doesn't deserve to be stuck in a coma. I wanted to scream and cry and break apart anything and everything i could get my hands on when i got told she was in a coma, I cant handle being without her, I need her.

I sat in my room crying, It was now 5:13 am and i had been awake and crying for atleast 2 hours already. I stared at the pictures of me and Y/N scattered across my bed, Crying even harder when suddenly my phone went off.

*Ring, Ring*

..Why would someone be calling me this early in the morning?

*Ring, Ring*

As i answer the phone i wipe my tears away and take a deep breath, i get a little nervous wondering who it could be,

"Hello?" I say into the phone cautiously,

"Hello, Is this Bill Kaulitz?" A female voice asks from the other line, I get even more nervous as i didnt recognize the voice at all.

"Um yes, Whos this?" I ask,

"Oh this is Beverley from ****** Hospital, On Y/N L/N's form it has you listed to take all calls about how shes doing." The lady says again, my heart drops. Has Y/N woken up? Has my girl finally woken up again?!

"Oh! Yes, How is she? Is she okay? Is she awake? Whats going on?" I ask worriedly, Not even realising that i hadnt given the poor lady a second to tell me what was going on before i bombarded her with questions.

"Sir.." She said, my heart began to speed up, feeling nervous of what she was going to say.

"I am so sorry for your loss."


My heart dropped instantly, It felt like i couldnt breathe, Like i was paralyzed. I wanted to scream and cry but i couldnt, My body wouldnt let me. As the shock ran through my body, What the lady had said slowly began to run through my mind. Im so sorry for your loss.
She's gone. My one true love, My gorgeous girlfriend, My soulmate. Shes gone, Forever, and i know she could never return. My world came crashing down as soon as i heard the word 'loss', I felt a hard lump in my throat, A stinging in my chest and a thumping in my head. As i let the realisation sink in, tears began to pour. The harder i cried, the more it hurt. The more my chest stung and my head thumped, accompanied by a sharp ringing sound taking over my mind completely. It hurts, I dont want it to hurt. I just want Y/N, If Y/N was with me right now i wouldnt be hurting, Its not fair, Why isnt she with me. Why cant she be with me. I heard a faint voice calling out to me through the phone, I couldnt say anything back though, no matter how hard i tried. No noise would escape my lips, And then for a moment, only a deathening silence could be heard. I hated it, I hated the silence that wasnt being filled with her sweet voice or laugh, The loneliness i felt as she isnt here to keep my company, the emptiness of my room without her next to me. It felt wrong.


Tears poured day after day. They never stopped, they couldn't stop. As each second passed without Y/N I felt myself grow weaker, I wasnt myself without her, She completed me. I miss her dearly and that will never change, no matter what. If one day i move on and get a new girlfriend, I'll still miss Y/N. If i ever get a wife, I'll still miss Y/N. She was my first true love and always will be, I'll never love another person the way i love Y/N, She was my girl. I hadn't visited her in a month. I couldnt bring myself to it, It only made me hurt more, But not visiting her made me feel empty. It felt like i was in a daze as the memories i have with her replayed in my head, and the next thing i know ive parked my car and am now hastily making my way over to her. I instantly snapped out of my daze as i began walking slower, a lump in my throat. Now i remembered why i truly stopper visiting her. Because i hated rembering that she was gone, that id never see her gorgeous face again, see her cute smile, look into her deep/bright E/C eyes. I hated that i would never touch her again, hold her in my arms again, kiss her again. I didnt want to believe that she was actually gone, And as i got closer, i felt a lump in my throat. Once i finally reached her i felt a pang in my heart, like the fact that she was gone had only just sunken in, Like i had only just now acknowledged it. I kneeled down beside her, My emotions taking over me instantly. I rested my head in my hands and stared up into the sky,

"Y/N..I miss you so much, more than you'll ever know. It hurts not having you with me, And it hurts even more knowing that i could've saved you and this wouldnt of happend. If i had just made you run with me, or if i had reached you in time, or maybe if i must didnt take you there in the first place..Then i wouldnt be feeling like this, I would still be holding you in my arms every day and kissing you every chance i got." I ranted quietly, my voice breaking as tears began running down my face.

"As i learn to live without you, I realise that nothing ever lasts forever. And even though we didnt last forever, We will always be forever in another life. And now everything i do is for you. I am so heartbroken that your gone, Yet im so grateful that i have the most gorgeous, loving and perfect angel looking over me..I love you, I'll always love you." I huff out softly as i finally look down at  Y/Ns gravestone, Beautiful flowers surrounding it. As i look down at her gravestone i let my fingers graze over her engraved name gently, Feeling a small smile appear on my face. I take a soft breath, leaning my forehead against
her gravestone with closed eyes before whispering with a slightly shaky voice,

"Even if your not here anymore, our love will be forever and always. You're my forever."

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