'Clingy' (Tom Kaulitz)

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Me and Tom have been dating for a couple of months and its going so well, Its like we were made for eachother.
We havent seen eachother for 2 days because i was busy, But today i wasnt so i told him we could hangout today.

*ring, ring*

*ring, ring*

I rush over to my phone and pick it up,

"Helloo" I say into my phone with a sing song tone knowing that Tom was the person who had called,

"Hey baby, I miss you so much" He replies in a huff.

"I know, i miss you to. But im not busy today so we can hangout if you want" I hummed happily into the phone again,

"Yes please miene liebe! Come over as soon as possible please" he begged, I giggle as I can imagine the smile on his face right now.

"Okay, ill be over in 10. see you soon love" After we say our 'see you soons' i hungup and started getting ready, i decided to wear tight low waisted jeans and one of toms hoodies that he left at my house. I quickly did my makeup and put my shoes on while spraying my perfume all over my body. I tried to go fast because i knew that he would complain about me being even 1 minute late.

I was now driving to his house, i was just around the corner when i realise i was supposed to be there 5 minutes ago. I finally arrive at his house, park my car and practically sprint to his front door. I go to knock but before i can he swings the door open as he pouts, He hurriedly drags me inside and pulls me into the tightest hug ever.

"your late baby" he mumbles against my neck as he holds me closer to him, I just smile and say sorry before kissing him deeply. We finally break the kiss and we rush up to his room, I jump onto his bed after taking my shoes off and soon after he hops ontop of me, snuggling his face into the crook of my neck with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. We stay like this for awhile as I watch TV and he just sleeps ontop of me, Ive been rubbing his back for the last 20 minutes hes been asleep and my hand is aching. I dont stop though because he always talks about how relaxing and nice it is when i rub his back, I look down at him and smile while leaning down and kissing his forehead. Eventually i turn the TV off and fall asleep aswell but about an hour and a half later i wake up needing to go toilet so badly. So i slowly slipped out of his arms and headed to the bathroom, not even 5 seconds after i closed the door i heard tom knock. I sigh softly and open the door to see him with a tired face, rubbing his eyes softly as he pouts.

"Baby..i wanna cuddle with you" he whines as he reaches his arms out to me, i walk into his open arms and gently caress his cheek as his arms wrap around my waist.

"I know Tommy but i need to go toilet really quickly, Okay?" i whisper to him and he whines again as he buries his face into my shoulder, i just kiss his cheek and pull away from the hug.

"ill be quick, i promise" I say as i rub his  arm gently before walking back into the bathroom and going toilet. Once i finish i quickly wash my hands and open the door to see Tom, once again. This time though he's leaning against the wall and half asleep, i hug him and he immediately hugs me back while nuzzling his nose into my neck.

"Finally..im tired" he mumbled as we both slowly waddled back to his room, not letting go of each other. We both flop onto the bed and cover ourselves eith the blanket, he immediately snuggles upto me and i think its so cute. He falls asleep once again and i take a couple pictures of him for my eyes only before drifitng to sleep as well.

All i could think about was how he could be so clingy and act like we havent seen each other in months when its only been 2 days, Its still cute though.

Im starting to love when hes clingy.

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