"Did you do it?" He asked.

"What? No." I said defensively. He should have known I would never kill someone for blood. Snack on them, maybe if I was desprite. Like if I couldn't get a blood bag. Drain the blood of them, absolutely not.

"Bails, you're the only vampire in town."

"Yeah that we know of." I stated. "Do you seriously not believe me?"

He stayed quiet. Without saying anything, gave me my answer. He didn't trust me.

"Really, Stiles? You really think I would drain all the blood out of someone when I have a freezer full of blood bags in my House's basement?"

"Bailey, I'm just being realistic. You are the only vamp we know is in town. For all we know there isn't another one in Beacon Hills."

"Wow." I still couldn't believe it. After all we'd been through he didn't trust me. "Thanks a lot for trusting logic, which is completely flawed, over your own girlfriend."

"Bailey." He pleaded, before I lowered my phone from my ear and ended the call.

I was so, unbelievably mad at him. He didn't trust me. I wanted to end it with him. But I'm not the kind of girl to end things over the phone. I had to wait to face him.


I was waiting in Isaac's room when a nurse came in. "Ma'am, I have to prep him for surgery. You're gonna have to leave."

"Of course." I got up. My head was looking down when I noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes. Her toe nails were long, like the feet equivalent of claws. "Who are you?"

"Kali." She smiled and her eyes glowed red. "Ahh." She sniffed. "And you're a hybrid."

"The one of 2." I smirked, knowing I couldn't say "the one and only."

"Hmm. Deucalion is gonna love hearing about you."

I chuckled. "I'm sorry who?" I could tell she thought she thought I'd be scared by that name.

"Deucalion." I looked at her confused still. "The demon wolf."

"I can tell this is supposed to scare me but it doesn't." I stated as I throw her at the wall. I started to leave. "Make sure a real nurse takes him to surgery."


Scott had to save Isaac from another deranged Alpha, then him and Derek took Isaac to the Hale house so they could help him.

I was on my way out to help when someone came behind me and snapped my neck

The next thing I knew, my eyes shot open. I was on the ground. My back was resting on a tree. A man with dark skin was kneeling right in front of me.

"Hmm, Ive seen pictures of you. Or maybe that was one of your doppelgangers, but I looks a lot like you."

"What are you talking about?" I gripped my neck.

"Nothing." He stood up. "I'm here to warn you. Stop looking for Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons."

"Why?" I asked standing up too.

Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Where stories live. Discover now