Jay and Charlie go home

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Oh man its no problem, Chief Boden loves her and we all love her.

I really am glad about that, Ill be there soon.


Jay in Voights office. Hey Voight I need to get Charlie at the Fire house.

I thought you sent Kim and Adam?

I did but Charlie had a feeling something was off with the way Ruzek spoke. So yeah.

Yeah go ahead and call it a night while youre at it.

Thanks Sarge.

Twenty minutes later Jay left for the fire house.

Jay pulling his truck up on the apparatus floor.

Charlie running to Jay.


Hi to you too.

Did you get him?

Yes I did. So are you ready to go home?

Yes please.

Jay and Charlie walked to his truck. Now dont forget we have to go by the school to get your practice exams for next Friday.

Right okay.

The two went home to sleep. Hailey was already in the house waiting.

Where have you two been?

Fire house 51.

Jay gave Charlie a look. Right, sorry.

Good night.

After Charlie went to her room. Jay and Hailey sat on the couch. She hates me.

No, its been a rough day for her. Haliey just try to remember Erin was about to adopt her when she was forced to leave, dont hold anything she says or does against her.

Right. So why are you coming in so late?

I asked Kim and Adam to get Charlie but something Adam said triggered Charlie so she stayed at 51, and I had to get her.

Does that happen often?

Me needing to get Charlie?

No, she not going with a member of Intelligence?

Well the last time Kim and Sean took her home, Kim was hit over the head and Charlie was taken for four and half months. I was just hopeful she knew Id be there when she got back. But I understand.

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