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Hazy from sleep when she woke, Azalea searched on her bedside table for her glasses finally stumbling upon them, she placed them on her face yawning. Sitting up and sliding out of the Queen-sized bed she padded over to the bathroom.

A fully dressed Alaric met her in the kitchen.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" she asked him, moving around him, and pulling the fridge open.

"As well as expected," he said sipping his coffee.

"Well," she said, grabbing the yogurt and now rummaging for a spoon. "What's the worst that could happen? We know I can't die. Meaning she can't really do anything to me... How do you think you are going to tell Elena?" she asked him.

"I... I dunno, but I think I am going to call Damon. Have him and Stefan there for support." He said.

"That's a good idea," she smiled gently.

"You are not leaving my sight till we have dealt with Isobel," he said, she rolled her eyes taking her first spoonful of yogurt. Deciding it wasn't worth the argument, she checked her watch.

"We got 5 minutes, I'll finish this then we can head out," she said gesturing to the cherry yogurt in her hand. He nodded and began to scroll through his phone. The redhead took another mouthful as she heard her uncle say.


By the time the two got to the school, Azalea was beginning to feel irritated. True to his word Alaric hadn't let her out of his sight, with a light hand on her side at all times. He guided her through the school to his classroom.

"Stay here while I get –"

"You know she isn't going to attempt to take me till she has given you time to talk to Elena," she said dryly.

"Stay here," he said sternly. "After this meeting stay with me, Stefan or Bonnie –"

"Starting to really push now Uncle Ric," she muttered, feeling her temper rising. He looked like he was going to say something, but then changed his mind and left her alone in the history room. She took a deep breathe. He just cares about you, she told herself. He is just worried and wants you safe. He hasn't seen all the stuff you have done, and let's face it you don't exactly look capable.

Still a midget

She closed her eyes, she could hear Ron's voice clearly in her head, she smiled at the comforting sound.


She whirled around; a bright light red flash shot towards Stefan. He ducked the jinx hit the side of the door, the smell of acid filled the air, and a loud hiss as the wood melted into a pile of goop.

With a sheepish, apologetic smile, Azalea flicked her wand repairing the damaged door. Her face growing pink. Elena looked at Stefan, then at her friend anxiously.

"I'm guessing we are on high alert." Stefan said gesturing for Elena to sit down.

"Yeah, uh. Something happened last night, and you're not going to like it."

Azalea sat beside Elena as Ric told her everything that had happened the night before. Keeping a gentle hand on the brunette's forearm, Azalea watched her friends face as she absorbed the information. They all sat in silence for a long moment, before the door opened again.

"Damon, thanks for coming," Alaric said.

"Sup, sorry I'm late. The dog ate my, uh... never mind,"

"Cute Damon," Azalea said rolling her eyes. Damon blue eyes swept the expressions of everyone in the room.

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