Career Day

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After school the group went their separate ways, promising to meet at the end of the night to talk about what they liked about the career night and what they were going to look more into. Azalea decided to go in the end, after some encouragement from Alaric. "You never know what you will want to do. It may be hard for you to have a job in the wizarding world, maybe a Muggle job would be better for you."

After some thought she realised her uncle was right. Maybe the Muggle world did have more promising outlooks career wise for the famous Azalea Potter. However, as someone who had not been involved with the world for a long time she didn't know how many jobs were actually out there.

Putting her jacket in her locker, which she had finally given up and had just started whispering alohamora every time, she made her way into the hall to look at the various jobs being advertised.

After about ten minutes of browsing she noticed her uncle looking around at the other side of the room, she spotted Jenna and Elena and smirked.

"Go on, I know you want to go and flirt," she teased nudging him. He scowled at her before looking back at Jenna.

"You mind if I head over for a little bit?"

"Ric, it's not like I am a normal teen, I'll be fine." She waved him off. Shaking her head slightly as he walked towards the two. She then turned her attention to the stall next to the one she was stood by. Nursing... is that a job she could see herself doing...

Azalea quickily realised that a lot of the jobs on show here were centered around the town, which was something as a whole she doubted she would want to live her for the rest of her life. She made her way back out into the hallway, she saw Liz and went to go say hello, but then she saw how tense and focused the sheriff was. She looked around to see what was making her go for her gun and froze.

Logan Fell?

Stefan had told her that he died the night Vicki was turned into a vampire. That means...

Merlin's saggy left –


The redhead turned at the sound of her name and she saw a girl who was in her English class... Dana that was her name. She tried to keep half an eye on the situation, but smiled at her.

"Hey, how is it going?" Azalea asked. "Anything catch your eye?"

She nodded eagerly.

"I have always wanted to be a midwife, and I was talking to the medical table and they gave me some great advice for the future."

Glancing back at the commotion, before turning back to Dana with a smile, she replied.

"That's great, I am not really sure what my plan is to be honest, but I reckon I'm done for the night. I'll see you in class tomorrow." Azalea touched her arm before she made her way through the crowd.

She wanted to find Bonnie, and make sure that the young witch got home ok, without having to worry about Logan Fell. She noticed the witch at the teacher table. She put on a happy face and made her way over to the witch.

"Hey Bonnie," she said smiling, the girl smiled back.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Not bad, but hey why don't we go to your Grams' house and talk about magic a little more. I never got to learn a lot about your kind, and I am wondering if with my magic being from me, if I could learn it."

"We could learn together," she said grabbing the redheads hands in excitement, her eyes wide as she began to grin.

"Come on, let's go, but uh, why don't I show you something," Azalea took her hand and pulled her towards the toilets. Once they got there, she checked the stalls and pulled the darker teen into on of the cubicles. "Keep it unlocked," she said, offering her arm. "Link with me and hold on tight."

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