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Azalea and Jeremy painted and chatted a lot in the weeks leading up to Christmas. With Vicki's investigation going nowhere fast, he vented through his art. He was grateful to know what happened, but that didn't make the pain go away.

Finally, it was the last Saturday before Christmas and the group had gathered before the big tree ceremony that occurred in the town.

"Ok," Caroline said excited, clapping her hands together. "Who is going first?"

"I reckon alphabetical order is easy," Azalea suggested. "Sadly, with Stefan being unwell I have already gave him his present."

"Then I guess it's me next," Bonnie said holding her gift out to Matt. Matt's eyes began to water as he looked at the frame. Azalea smiled knowing what it was.

"I got Jeremy to help me, in her memory," Bonnie said touching Matt's arm. He blinked, before he rubbed his eye.

"Thank you, Bonnie," he said clearing his throat.

"That is so sweet," Caroline smiled, holding Matt's free hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Caroline," Matt said, telling her to reveal her present.

"Tyler," she smiled handing him a large red box. He smiled, excited as be began to tug at the gold ribbon.

"Seriously," he said excitedly as he pulled out a collection of art supplies.

"You are got Ty," she said. "You need to believe in yourself. Just cause your on the football team doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your art."

"I guess it's me," Elena said digging out the light blur wrapped present. She handed it to the redhead.

"Thanks Elena," she smiled as she began to unwrap it. Inside was a silver chain with a little snitch one it.

"We joke about Harry Potter all the time, I thought you'd like it." she smiled.

"I love it thank you," she said, putting it around her neck.

"Well, it's not as good as your gift to me Bon, but here," Matt said handing her a newspaper wrapped present. Inside was some herbs and a box of small black candles.

"The guy in the store said they are good for protection, and I know you've been getting more into that stuff with your Grams," he said.

"It's perfect, thanks Matt," Bonnie smiled at him.

"Caroline, Stefan asked me to give this too you," Elena said handing her the small box, she opened it up, her eyes lit up at the tissue paper inside.

"A Mystic Falls Snow globe," she said, the rest couldn't help but smirk as Caroline tried her best to hide her disappointment.

"Home will be with you where ever you go," Bonnie said trying to make Caroline feel a little better.

"And Elena," Tyler said dramatically offering her the wrapped present. Inside was a Christmas ornament with a picture of her parents inside.

"Tyler it's beautiful thanks you," she said, holding it close.

"Ok the market and tree lighting is opening soon we should head over there," Caroline said, putting her present in her bag. The others followed suit as they made their way back out into the snow...

"Now that is what I call a Christmas tree." Liz on the mic. "Isn't it gorgeous? The holidays are all about being with loved ones, and I think that's what makes this tradition so special in our town. It's a reminder that no matter where you turn you have a friend."

Azalea looked around to see her friends nearby, she glanced at her uncle and he gestured for her to join them. As she gets closer the three of them are in a big hug.

"Aww can I join in," she smiled at them.

"Of course," Bonnie pulled her into the group. Maybe Christmas wouldn't be that bad this year after all, she thought.


"Merry Christmas, Azalea," her uncle cheered as the redhead made her way down the stairs on Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas, Ric." She smiled, she tried to ignore the hollow feeling in her stomach. This was her first Christmas without her best friends. She's spent the last seven years opening presents with them.

"You, ok?" he asked, a hand on her shoulder she snapped back to the present.

"Sorry, it's my first Christmas without them."

"We can take the day at your pace, all right. We can have a very relaxed day."

"You mean no crime solving, trips to hospitals or grand balls?" she smirked, the most normal Christmas was her third year, and even that had Sirius to contend with.


"But is even Christmas without some kind of danger?"

"I think most people's holiday traditions don't include mortal peril." Alaric said mock seriously.

"Huh, I've been doing it wrong this whole time,"

"Afraid so,"

"Well then, I should experience a Muggle Christmas,"

"Hmm, to my knowledge most wizarding Christmas periods are without danger too,"

"I mean how would you know, Ric," she grinned, nudging him teasingly. 

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