Founder's Ball

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After being emotionally bullied, Azalea agreed to meet Elena and go to the Founder's Day Ball. The brunette had insisted that she come over and get ready with her and Bonnie. The redhead agreed, at least they could hang out before this giant ego event.

"So you guys do this every year?" Azalea said pouring the hot water into the cup.

"Yep, every year we have a Founder's month, this year is 150 –"

"Meaning it's going to be a giant who dick is bigger contest between the Founding families." Azalea rolled her eyes as she stirred her tea. Elena laughed.

"It can be fun," she promised.

"Uh huh,"

Bonnie knocked on the door and walked into the house.

"Elena?" she called.

"In here," Elena made her way around the breakfast bar.

"How many event's like that does this town have?"

"A lot," Bonnie.

"And do you all get different dresses for each time?" her eyebrows raised.

"Well duh?" Elena took a sip from her mug.

"No duh, I will not buy new stuff when I have nice old ones, or do you sent them to charity or something?"

"We don't throw them out," Elena said.

"Well, expect me to wear the same stuff, I'm an outsider. I'm weird anyway,"

The two girls laughed at her.

"I'll put the milk away, go sit down next to Bonnie, Lea." Elena smiled, and pushed herself upright from the counter, opening the fridge.

"Right it's serious now." Bonnie said, pulling at Elena's giant make up bag on the table. "Delicate flower or naughty vixen," Bonnie said as Elena went to sit with us.

"Tough call, can we mix them?" she said grinning.

"Look at you getting all pretty for your date. You seem happy – ish."

"I am ish," she said sitting down. "Tonight's going to be a good night, but don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked through the door." Elena said eyeing her friend with a stern expression.

"What if I tell you in the morning, I don't want to ruin the night."

"Bonnie, out with it," Elena said.

"Ok but it has to go in the vault, Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed. Apparently, Stefan has a very interesting back story."

"Uh huh," the olive skin girl encouraged.

"Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend?"

"I know they both dated her and that's why they have issues." Elena said, Azalea frowned something wasn't quite right.

"Yeah, they both dated her, only she chose Damon and it drove Stefan mad so he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine he filled her head with all these lies until finally it worked and she turned against Damon."

Azalea frowned, she knew what the elder Salvatore was doing.

"That sounds like one person's side of the story meaning Damon's," Elena said.

"It also sounds like complete bollocks," Azalea said. "Look the other week when Caroline was asking me all those questions about my past. It wasn't her it was Damon he told her to do it. From what I picked up on that night it is likely that Damon told Caroline to tell you and then for you to tell Elena. It will have been the other way around if it's true at all." She said. "Now, I suggest the softer nails as it will go better with the dress."

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