Vicki's Halloween

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Wake up, a voice said in the back of the redheaded witches mind. You need to leave, get out of the bed! Why would she leave? It was comfortable, she had to wait for Damon. You need to escape before he comes back! The voice said, but why should she listen... the voice broke through to her as she shot up in the bed.

She checked to make sure the vampire was out of the room. Did she risk going downstairs... He would catch her immediately. Her gaze fell to the window. If she broke anything she would heal it and she knew he didn't have his daylight ring. She saw her bag on the side, she needed that too. Careful to not make a sound, she tiptoed from the bed, slowly shuffling towards the desk, then the window. It wasn't locked. That was something at least, she thought. Grimacing as the window squeaked in protest to opening, she gently climbed out, her feet swinging as the ground loomed. She took a deep breath. You can do this, Potter, she gave her self a little nod before siding off the window. Covering her mouth to prevent the scream, she knew wold come as she hit the hard earth.

She felt the pain in her joints as she handed on her feet. Wincing as her legs gave up and her face hit the earth.

Wincing she checked her bag for damage, she had cushioned it's fall. Her phone screen was cracked, but it still worked, it was easily fixed. She felt a painful tug on her throat. She touched it to see blood on her hands.


She limped to the tree and called Stefan.

After the second ring he answered.

"Lea! Lea are you all right?"

"I'm fine, I got out of the house. I, er, kind of jumped out of Damon's window."

"What! He – "

"Damon, he took me last night. He tried to compel me, but it didn't work."

"Are you drinking vervain?" Stefan asked her.

"No, I just seem to have an immunity to it."

"Lea, he will be dealt with." Stefan said darkly. "Did he hurt you? Feed on you?"

"Yeah, he fed. I can't find another other aches or pains, but I'm still a little woozy, I am on your estate I can't get home."

"Elena and I will come and get you." he said. "Heal you – "

"No Stef, I will heal myself, just come and get me please," she gasped as her vision darkened, she grabbed onto a bark for support until it passed.


Elena scanned the estate anxiously for the redhead.

"Lea," she gasped, as she saw the redhead covered in blood and clutching a tree. She opened the door and began to run to her. "Lea!" she called again. As she spoke the redhead's vison darkened, with a swoosh Stefan caught her.

Without hesitation Stefan bite his wrist and placed it in the redhead's mouth.

"What –"

"It will heal her Elena," Stefan said pacifying the anxious brunette.

"Her neck it's healing," Elena said in relief as Azalea took a big gulp of air. The vampire cradled her, rocking them gently making soothing noises.

"I got you," he said gently as Azalea took in her surroundings.

"Hey guys," she said softly resting her head against Stefan's shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you home. Can I pick you up?"

"No, it's fine,"

"I wasn't actually asking," he said, swooping her off the ground.

"Oi!" she said. He chuckled and started walking back towards the car. It wasn't till then she realised the pain in her neck was gone, she went to touch the wound only to find it was gone.

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