Miss Pearl

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Elena had finished telling Caroline and Bonnie what they had found out about her birth mother and her connection to Alaric.

"Oh my God, you guys haven't figured it out." Caroline said, covering her hand with her mouth.

"Figured what out Caroline?" Elena said looking at her blonde friend curiously.

"Think about it," she said looking between Elena and Azalea. "Your birth mother and your uncle are married making you two..." she stretched the last word eyeing them both to finish her sentence.

"Cousins," they gasped together, looking at each other.

"Not by blood, but yeah." Caroline said.

"Wow, that's crazy," Bonnie gasped as the two looked at each other.

"I've never had a cousin," Elena smiled.

"I have. He was a dick growing up, I'm sure you won't be the same," she teased nudging her with her elbow.

They all laughed at the two and the conversation moved away from the two's connection...

At the end of the day Azalea got into Bonnie's car to have another wicca magic lesson with Sheila, she hadn't made much progress yet which annoyed her greatly. However, the older woman had assured her she was doing well.

Her phone lit up as she made it back to the house, she frowned as she saw Damon's number.


"Hey, so heads up. Pearl wants in on the council, and she wasn't happy when I refused her. So, you may wanna be extra careful around town right now."

"Perfect," the redhead groaned. "What happened?"

"Let's just say I'm wearing sunglasses indoors for the time being,"

"Damon, how old is this woman?" she pressed the phone to her shoulder as she filled the kettle, with water.

"Old, she and Katherine were friends before they came here."

Azalea frowned, pressing her lips together, hitting the switch at the base of the kettle, and walking away. The whirling of the machine beginning to head up the water making it hard to hear Damon on the other end.

"I want to talk to her, see if we can come to some peaceful agreement." She said, flopping down onto the sofa.

"No way,"

"Damon –"

"No, she's too strong,"

"Obviously," she snorted. "I am thinking diplomacy. If she learns who I am then she may be more willing to talk, Ana knows me too. Why don't I crash at your house tonight? In case she comes back. That way we can trying and figure something out without retina's being damaged."

"Can't, Stefan and Elena are having a normal day. If you are at the house, they'll ask why."

"I can say the water is out at mine or something, explain tomorrow." She said, making her way upstairs to pack an overnight bag. "Think about it Damon, she will be back to see if her... negotiation worked."

He snorted at her word choice.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it makes sense, Ana will be a huge asset in that, she is a lot less likely to hurt me."

"Fine, but we have another problem,"

The redhead pinched her nose.

"What?" she sighed.

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