The Night of the Gilbert Device

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Azalea woke early the following morning and made her way over to Elena's to get ready for the Miss Mystic parade. Azalea worked on her hair while Jenna helped Elena into her dress.

"This dress hurts,"

"Suck it in baby, now it's your turn," Jenna said turning her attention to the small witch. "Strip,"

Doing as she was told, Jenna put the corset around her waist and began to pull.

"Oooof!" Azalea grunted as Jenna pulled at the strings on the corset tighter again.

"Ok you're done. Dress time!" she pulled the dress from behind the door. Azalea gasped, then smiled.

"You like the colour?" Jenna said.

"Yes," she said stroking the periwinkle fabric.

"I thought it would look pretty with your hair,"

"My friend wore a dress this colour for a Christmas party," she said thinking back to everyone's amazement when Hermione Granger looked as stunning as Azalea knew her friend was. The two girls finished getting read and made their way out to the car. It was surreal to see the town in a blend of old and new. They walked together, but stopped as they spotted Stefan and Damon's stunned faces at Elena. She giggled, but a part of her is less than amused knowing that Elena now looked exactly as Katherine had back in 1864.

Elena smirked then curtsied Azalea did the same. As the brother's began to walk towards them, they walked to met in the middle.

"You both look amazing." Damon said, putting out his arm for Azalea to take. "Could I steal you away for a moment Miss Azalea," She looked between him and Stefan and got the hint.

"And where am I being escorted too, Mr Salvatore?"

"Right this way," he said beginning to stride away. As they got out of earshot she muttered under her breath. "Is Stefan telling her our suspicion about John?"

"Brilliant, who is my escort?" she said rolling her eyes at the word.

"I would but I need to have a chat with Bon Bon – I'm being nice." He defended when her face changed. "Really," he added defensively when her expression didn't change.

"Good. Now where do I need to go?"
"This way, my lady?"

She rolled her eyes smiling, but allowed him to lead her towards the other Miss Mystic girls.

It wasn't long after that Mrs Lockwood rushed around, rounding up the girls to start the floats. It felt very odd to be waving at the masses on the streets, she kept the smile on her face as she and Amber's escort Brian had his arm on her multi-layered skirt.

All in all, Azalea was surprised how much she actually enjoyed it. As the parade finished, she realised unlike the other girls she didn't have any modern back up clothes in her locker. Elena decided to join her and have her spare clothes picked up later from her locker. The two got ready and made their way back into the town centre for the rest of the events.

As night began to fall and the people of the town headed towards the park in the town centre for the major to give a speech. Azalea's phone buzzed in her pocket.

Tombs vampires are here. They want revenge on the Founding Families. Plan is too attack when the fireworks start.

Azalea glanced around her, trying to pick out faces she didn't recognise. Then texted Anna back telling her to take Jeremy and go to the Salvatore house. Then she rushed to find the brothers.

"Damon!" she called out as she saw him in the crowd. He turned to look at her, her expression causing him to frown concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Anna just text me, the tomb vampire's they are attacking. Founding Families. Who are probably going to try and use the device, I bet that is why John was talking to Henry. He was his spy. We've got to get people out of here."

"When is this supposed to happen?"
"When the fireworks go off."

"Let's go,"

"No, wait. I can go through the crowd start finding them. Get descriptions, maybe take a few out before hand."
"How – no it's too."
"Damon, trust me."

He stared into her eyes, she looked determined, calm, like she genuinely had a plan and wasn't just being reckless.

"Ok, but when I come get you. You don't fight me. In the frenzy if they get a smell of your blood –"

"I promise," she told him, he nodded. They split up, she took her wand out of her pocket, and subtlety cast a charm that she has learnt to stop magical creatures in a crowd. As she did so, lights invisible to those who did not have access to magic appeared over their heads. She grabbed her sketchpad from her bag and began to write down descriptions. She had written down five of them when her uncle rushed over. His face full of concern for his niece.

"Go home." He said when he got close, grabbing her arm as if he was going to drag her there himself.

"Ric no, I'm helping."

"You –"

"I know, I know. Damon is going to get me out when it gets bad - If it gets bad - Here," She handed a list of descriptions. "If you see Damon show it to him as well,"

He scowled.

"I promise I'll go when Damon comes and gets me,"

He reluctantly left; she wrote down another three descriptions when she saw Damon heading into the Gilbert Practice. She followed him, as she opened the door he dropped to the floor clearly in agony.

"Damon!" she reaches for him, pulling her wand out of her pocket.

"I wouldn't do that," John said. She grabs him and apparatus to the house. Once he was safe, she apparated back to find Stefan. Glancing around as deputies round up vampires, she saw Alaric and Elena crouched on the floor with Stefan. She rushed over to them, as soon as she got close she cast a notice me not charm on the group.

"It's ok Stefan you're safe, I am going to take you home." She said softly, as she went to spin his expression changed.

"Its gone – Damon –"

"He's safe, I saw him and got him out. He's at the house."

He sighed in relief; the redhead texted the two vampires to let them know the sound was gone. Deciding the day was eventful enough for her, she said goodbye to her friends and made her way home. She made herself a quick snack and plopped down on the sofa. Just as she was starting to get comfortable there was a knock on her door.

"Damon hey, what –"

"I am going to take you to the hospital. Caroline was hurt." he said gently.

"Caroline? What –?"

"There was an accident,"

"Take me there right now," she ordered.

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