Escapism |Kaeya|

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It never felt right.

Chatters among the ladies and gentlemen along the debutante, strands of violins picked and drew out with the bow, or perhaps the music drowned only and the only melody she could hear was the voice of a man—the voice of a tempt luring her to take his hand and stepped out, abandoned everything behind here. To hold his hand, and with bare feet and dress dangling while they twirled, no song but the wind to keep them company.

Perhaps it's the dress she's using that didn't feel right. How she had to mind everyone's mind of hers, how she must think and react accordingly to what she wore. One wrong twirl, or one wrong steps she took, the dress would be lifted even in the slightest bit of portion; and everyone would be laughing at her already. Or was it the noises in her head, when in fact no one seemed to care here?

Or was it the drink, when she gulped down, the bitterness quenched her thirst but not enough to calm down the addiction to drink more? The lipstick on her lips threatened to stain the rim of the glass worried her—just what kind of  lady leaving stains of her makeup on a glass? That's an inelegance. But it tasted the sweetest, the lightest when drunk with someone else—sharing lighthearted conversation together, laughing along the jokes and perhaps some gossips together, all with that man.

It's just... nothing sit right with her.

It's pointless to stay here.

While she whisked herself away along with another man hurrying to be her suitor, her steps even light—not as gracious as the one she saved for him. The first dance was supposed to be with him, a dance to declare her memories and carved them in the back of her head. Those who noticed were even more tempted to get her into giving them her first dance—which she didn't even bother to spare them a glance.

It was horrible here.

Everyone spoke with eloquence, when the truth laid out their pretentiousness. What people described to be elegance and poised like pearls, to her they were being as tedious and ridiculous as they proved themselves to be.

Perhaps, just perhaps, if she twirled herself and let the waltz took in her steps, she could be whisked and sent just to meet the certain man's eyes. In which, she did let herself dance in the hands of another man. One step, she twirled, the other, she moved out until she'd finally reached into the arms she'd been meaning to join with.

"Oh, careful there," the voice she'd been meaning to hear spoke, gentle and almost alike to the whisper of a tempt. Suddenly, the background of the piano was nothing but blank, a void of meaningless sounds playing in the background. "Didn't expect you'd join this ball, seeing your expressions just now being reluctant."

'I was simply waiting to finally see you,' were the words she wanted to say to him, yet the words were caught in her throat and the thing she could speak was, "The ball is tedious in a way you know it is, I believe you and I have mutual agreement about this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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