A Poem |Dainsleif|

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Modern AU, school

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First love would always remain in the back of our head, craving its memory of who was the first person our heart settled for. High school love is when the fantasies and desires kick in, to whom it's for一it remains a secret and locked deep in our heart.

If you're the glaze lily,
Then I'll be the firefly.

And as for the blonde young man, his eyes couldn't help but drift off to the girl beside him every second. The way the sunlight bathed the skin of the h/c haired girl, he slowly came to realisation on falling slowly for her.

Dainsleif's eyes resembled the night sky always found its way to steal glances of the iridescent e/c ones一his heart simply wished for the smile which snuck Y/n's face.

The way he simply adored the simple smile and greetings such as, "Hello, Dain. Have you eaten breakfast?", simple things such as that secretly sent butterflies in his stomach, he had slowly grown to yearn for more.

When you bloom,
I'll make sure my light shines you.

Though, Dainsleif may not be the poetic type, but his lips magically slipped some words he hadn't known was locked inside. The words that only started as two sentences quickly became a whole passage whenever Dainsleif conversed with Y/n.

Under the sky where the night soared the calm city, the school's bell had gone off and students had long left the school. Instead of walking home, he decided to stay and escort a friend back to her home.

"Gosh, the class was so boring. Dain, did you manage to write down the notes?" Y/n asked. She turned her gaze to look at the eyes which were gracefully kept, but tonight, something glinted within the eyes that people found to be not so friendly. "I did, do you want me to lend it to you? I guess I can help you a bit in catching up."

She smiled in return, clinging her arms around his own whilst humming a tune. The blonde man simply didn't say anything, he was used to the affection she always showed without hesitation一even as friends.

"Thank you!"

Silence filled them during their walk. She had let go his arm. Both fingers hung loose, their fingers grazing each other and left the desire to pull her hand and wrap them in his palm.

Dainsleif's eyes wandered skywards, he locked gaze with the moon as if he's conversing with the resplendent satelite. If his heart twinkled in happiness, the moon shone brighter, if his heart sunk in the abyss, the moon no longer gleamed bright, however if his heart was enchanced and entangled itself with complex feelings一he knew the moon shone brighter than it really was.

There is a prince,
There is a princess.

Dainsleif heaved a low sigh, he then turned to glaze his eyes with the now一curious gaze. "What's wrong, Dain? Did something come up?"

The said man shook his head calmly. "The moon seems bright tonight."

Y/n curiously looked up, wondeirng what he meant by the sudden confession. "Well, it's the moon alright. Of course it will shine bright."


He vows to protect
She vows to fight.

"If calamity strikes this kingdom, then I shall vow by my name to evacuate and defeat the darkness!"

The voice of a young boy echoed in the empty auditory hall, echoing through Dainsleif's eardrums. Everyone in the hall fell silent, no one dared to lift their lips nor wanted to get out of their seat as their concentration aimed strictly towards the drama. That day, the whole students were gathered in the auditory hall to watch a drama the school played out一even if the drama was less interesting, Dainsleif still found it to be interesting.

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