Axolotl |crack|

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Quite chaotic if I can say


The day shone and rose as cheerful and bright as it could be, the sound of the morning birds chirping... the sound of frogs leaping from one place to another... and the aromatic scent of flowers of cella lilies.

"Axolotl king, do you want one?"

Lumine, a blonde woman in an exotic pure white lotus outfit asked. Her short blonde hair fell against her neck and the long two front hairs fell onto the shoulder and landed on the chest bellow her collarbone. Her fingers twirled the cella lily, handing it to the giant pink Axolotl. The boss creature sniffed its scent and the eyes shone in bliss, full of excitment and joy just by the sweet scent.

It let out a voice. Paimon, the floating mascot, floated back with a bunch of flowers on her arms, the small fairy made its way to the axolotl king. "Paimon got you some too!" She said with excitment.

Woah, what's happening you asked? Great, let me explained it to you.

A quick description:

Axolotl King, the new boss and the king of all axolotls similiar to the king of boars. Except, it's axolotls. Whoever had chosen to lift their sword or weapons to the creature and challanged it to a fight, may who won be blessed with loach of pearls for ascensions.


It's just a cute giant axolotl king who seemed to be unable to harm you one bit. But, if you chose to think of it that way, may your soul be protected by the Celestia. Amen.

However, this... cute adorable little creature laid beside the two travelers by the Dawn Winery's lake, a border of Mondstadt with Liyue. Both were busy having fun in their own little world, as they communicated in human language and an... axolotl language?


Under the sun that shone ever so brightly, where the cloud was as clear as the sky, and the refreshing cold water of the lake cooled every tenses of the muscles down, there were the three friends having fun. The "haha-hihi" echoed through the atmosphere, flowers radiated as a sign of peace.

Until, Paimon floated right in front of Lumine with a hint of realisation reflected in her eyes. "Wait a minute..." Paimon halted just for a brief moment before holding Lumine's wrist gently. "Give Paimon and Lumine some time, Axolotl King. Paimon wants to talk with Lumine."

The axolotl only let out a small cheerful noise and turned its head away, dilly dallying with its own little playground. "Aren't we supposed to be fighting the Axolotl King and not being all dilly-dally with it?"

Lumine's golden eyes snapped the same hint of realisation, even dared to question her own purpose of being in Tevyat if all she ever did was playing around with a monster.

Don't question her main goal.

Of course she knew it was to find her brother and leave Tevyat.

Lumine couldn't help but felt a small boulder glided its way to her heart as she took another glance of the axolotl, it's smiling as if life wasn't that bad, eyes were innocent despite its strongest desire, and the arms that tried to balanced stones together.

How could it be a monster if it's that innocent?

"It's not like it's going to attack us, let's think on the bright side. If we befriended the axolotl king, we'll be fine," Lumine assured, or rather tried to convince the flying mascot as she had no wills to harm the axolotl.

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