Fever |Yanfei|

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Fever wasn't a favorable event一not when you had to skip work or school and ended up missing a lot of things the next day, or having to postpone the appointment you made way before.

But, if someone you like or admire came and take good care of you, then... it can't be helped, can it?

"Y/n's sick?"

The well known legal adviser of Liyue questioned the attorney's well being, finding herself lost in question by the fact Y/n wasn't there to fullfill her duty for the day.

The soaring blue sky painted with the puffs of cloud wrapped Teyvat like a blanket, sun shinning bright by the horizon of Liyue's dawn radiated its heat. The day would be painted perfect to start the day with breathing in fresh air with the sight of the h/c haired lady.

Yanfei's aquamarine eyes glazed in confusion, wondering what could be the reason behind Y/n's illness. "Well, I heard she stayed up late at her office yesterday," Madame Ping informed to the younger lady, her eyes glazed to the glaze lilies, hands craddling the flower gently. "As a friend, you should visit and see how's the young attorney doing."

Yanfei sighed and nodded her head before greeting, "Alright, thank you."


Knock knock

The sound of the door knocking echoed in Y/n's eardrums, her eyes closed tight shut, her hands gripping on the blanket, refusing to get out of the bed. "Ugh," she groaned. Heat rose up her cheeks, her breath puffed hot, yet her body shivered by the non-existent cold attacking her body.

Knock knock

Again, no response.

Her h/c locks spread around the pillow, blanket hardly left any gaps around her body with her hand desperately gripping on the tip of the blanket and pulled it in, hence her breath blazed in heat.

Her head had long drifted off to the dreamland.

Knock knock

"Y/n?" A gentle voice from the other side spoke in concern glazed the gentle voice's tone, she knocked another softly. But the knock hardly sounded real to Y/n with her delirious self not even wanting to deal with whatever the world had to offer to her.

The doorknob twisted, opening slightly ajar. "I'm going in."

The door opened and revealed the pink haired lady walking in the slightly messy house, her eyes scanned around the room in wander the deeper she got in. It's not like this was her first time to come to her house, however it was her first time going in.

Oddly, her heart beat swiftly when the scent resembled the river flowing near Qingxu Pool crawled to her nostrils, the tensed muscles after walking from Bubu Pharmacy and to her house slowly relieved. Concern that washed over her chest not too long ago vanished just by the scent.

Soon, her concentration drifted back as soon as the sight of the familiar h/c haired lady wrapped herself in blanket. "Y/n," Yanfei called, her voice sounded like a whisper to the delirious ears. "Hmm..." Y/n hummed, but still didn't bother to even lift her head. "How are you feeling?"

"...teribble," she mumbled weakly. Yanfei let out a sigh, the sound of a glass clanked against the table sounded peacefully in her ears until Y/n realized一"Wait, who came一"

Her tranquil arms removed the blanket, revealing her face flushed incarnadine, the way her e/c eyes lazily lifted to see who stepped into her abode carved beneath Yanfei's head. "Mi... Yanfe?"

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