Little Quail |Venti|

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Fluff (can be read as platonic)

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Little Quail.

Everyone around the world had heard of their stories, and if no one knew of who this quail was, the bard would sing his poems to the world with his lyre. In the day, when everyone's breath was still awake and fully aware, he conveyed those stories with the strums of his lyre with his slender fingers. In the night, when people's breathing slowed down as a sign for them to let slumber take them in, the legends were conveyed by the howling winds, being from the Archon himself.

Yet, there was one thing he'd never miss in each and every story of the little quail he spoke of, one with the smile gracing his lips in a sense of pride; and basked in a look of serendipity—as if he'd achieved what others couldn't.

As the story went...

Once upon a time, during the harsh cold seeped into the bodies belonged to any kind, in order to survive through the stacks of bodies dripped with blood in which stained the white snow, there laid a little bird with their wings spread, feathers missed. In which within the field was filled with the greed, bloodlust, and driven insanity from all warriors aiming to declare their victories, the quail was left untainted with those desires.

The quail with frail arms, caressed the cold metal of her weapon, and aimed victory with one smooth slash. Although, her body was at the brink of loosing her own life, as she blanked out amidst the cold snowstorm. It's only by then, did a merciful wind—that turned out to be the merciful archon, bore her wishes and granted her his blessing, to continue nurture her life.

And with the story ended...

A young looking boy raised the cup and hailed it up to the sky, humming a joyous tune as he accompanied an older looking man. Unlike Venti's intoxicated self from the alcohol, the man before him was sat in poised elegance, lips attached to the glass's rim. "I'm at ease to see your carefree spirit still remains, especially after those incidents you've encountered from your nation's crisis."

The bard laughed, and his laugh alone was enough to send the reverberation of bliss along the place. "Thanks to the travelers, my nation's fine now! I'm also glad to see your nation's also alright, especially after all of those troubles with that certain harbinger."

Unlike the expected tensed atmosphere, there was only a stilled and calm as a rock adorned the man's face. His hands rested on his thighs, tranquil amber eyes met gazes with the wave of teal ones. "That matter's been dealt with, thanks to the travelers. If it hadn't been for them, I would've been forced to step in and handle the situation myself."

"Yeah, that's because you literally faked your death," Venti countered, drinking the wine in one down. He let out a deep exhale, savoring each and ever bitterness, tinged with sweetness along his tongue. Even though words said like that were offensive, the man before him showed no signs of offense and instead, heaved an unnoticeable sigh.

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