Care |BeiGuang|

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The sound of the rumbling ship and storms that clashed together rose the panic after a peaceful day, the sailing ship started to tilt to the side and back to the other. If it wasn't for the current situation, then Beidou's amber eyes would see the beauty of the twinkled stars and the bright moon light.

The storm was harsher than any lions in Tevyat, it was more dangerous indeed. Beidou stood in the middle of the panic and hardworking crowds, giving one command to another一she couldn't loose her ship now!

Sound of footsteps echoed as they were busy running back and forth, doing things and saving the boat. "Move to the east!" Beidou demanded on top of her lungs, but her voice was drowned down by the storm.

"East! East!" She yelled again, making sure everyone heard her voice一again, it didn't work. The sound of the creaking boat rang its way to Beidou's ears, and in an instinct一she knew the boat was going to falter sooner or later.

Her boots were drenched in the overflowing water, vision was blurred by the rain. Now, the only thing Beidou could ever hope and pray for was the safety of her crews and boat.

"Captain! What should we do?!" A crew yelled.

"We can still keep going, just make sure he stirs to the east! Keep going一"


The sound of the broken wood echoed through Beidou's ears, before she could even look behind一waving shore crash and fell onto half of the ship, intensive even.

Beidou's amber eyes fell upon anything they could fall on, her outfit was drenched wet, she could not lift anything, slowly feeling the energy drained from her own body.

In a sigh, her sight went dark.


Birds chirped flew passed by Beidou's ears in serenity, half of her hearing senses slowly collected her consciousness and questions floated her head in confusion. 'This scent... and the silk under... me?'

Somehow, the bedsheet felt extravagant but comfortable, guess it's worth to buy if Beidou could make a single joke. Instead of her rough outfit she usually wore一a high-class silk devoured her unconscious figure, making her wonder... was this a dream?

"All she need to do is rest."

"Alright, thank you, Doctor Baizhu."

"Your welcome. Here's her prescription. I'll be taking my leave."

Two voices echoed in her head, as if she was in a cave where one voice that hollered, thousands of echos responded back. One voice that sounded gentle and reflected the elegance in one ear but concern in the other, meanwhile the others sounded polite and calm even though the patient一Beidou一could be 'dying'.

And slowly, her eyelids fluttered opened一revealing her amber eyes. 'This is not my room...' Beidou thought as slow as possible, almost difting to her dreamland.

The high class bedsheet, pillow, luxurious scent of the room as well! And not to mention, her clothes weren't the clothes she usually wore一instead, it was a pajama, an extravagant pajama...! "Awake already?"

The sweet luring voice snapped her whole attention, Beidou's eyes settled on the familiar ruby ones, the way the elegance and how glorius warm aura radiated from their stare. Despite all that, those eyes were still like a clear glass.

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