Fucking snake

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My eyes sting, as i peel them open. The cold metal presses against my bare skin, as i come to terms with what is happening. My fingers grasp at the metal wires that enclose me, as i try to pull the cage apart. I scream, and scream. But my shouts only echo through the long room. And i'm the only one who hears them. I realise how cold I am, and that i'm wearing the same loose t-shirt that Mila had. My heart races. i'm in the cage.

My arms and legs resemble Milas, there now skinny and bare. My stomach feels as though it was turning in on itself. how long have i been in here for? I think i'm losing my mind.

Suddenly, three figures make there way through the open door, In comes Tom, hauling Crystal.. and my Mother?! I cling onto the bars that trap me, with my fingers that i'm now realising, look nothing like they did before. My vision still feels hazy, and sounds, colours, shapes, are all distorted, twisted into a cruel distant reality.

"Tom?! Get me out!!" I scream.

"I'm saving you Eris." He says coldly. He lets go of my mother as she drops to her knees weakly. Now with his full attention onto Crystal. He grabs her neck. Strangling her. I scream and scream. As he simply repeats his words, not a single glimpse of emotion behind those dark eyes.

"I'm saving you Eris." He says as we both watch The blood pool in Crystals face, as she turns red. After a while of her gurgling, fighting against his hold, she falls to the ground. Dead. I bang my fists against the freezing cage, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Within seconds, Tom pulls out a gun, Shooting my mother in the back of her head. She looks just like Kat did, the way her body looses its tension, and drops limply.

By now i'm in hysterics, the tears fog my vision, but through them i can just about see Tom, Standing in front of the cage now. He opens it,

"I'm doing it for you, Eris." He says, his voice now soft, and his face switching to hold a smile.

"Your alone now." He says, pulling my body out from the cage. He holds me, and for some reason now all i can do is watch, i can't make a sound, can't move. I just lay, almost dead in his lap.

His hug is almost suffocating, but the warmth that he holds calms my skin, which was previously attacked by the cages merciless cold. He holds me, mumbling into my neck- But by now i can't even listen, nor breath. The only sensation that i can perceive is the warmth, that had now grown to be unbearable. I felt as if i was melting into him.

"You shouldn't have ran." He whispers into my ear. But although his voice was soft, soothing, it echoed loudly. Swarming my mind. It was as if he was shouting.

"Are you going to kill her Tom?" Now a second voice playing, unusually loud in my ears. Gustav.

"Wake up. Motherfucking Cunt." Gustav growls, as i feel fingers brush my cheek. Bringing me to reality. My eyes open, as i exhale, realising that that nightmarish situation was nothing but a dream.

But now, looking up i realise that my reality could end the same my nightmare had. I was laying on the sofa of Crystals family home, looming over me were Gustav, Bill and Tom. The intense heat i felt now seamed to be spewing from the fireplace, which we were beside.

"She's awake." Bill says sounding unamused

"What? What's happening?" I ask, rubbing my spinning head.

"Your stitches came undone." Tom says, turning his back to me and picking something up. "You were passed out on the floor."

Now i can remember running down those stairs, and falling. Piecing together what must've happened in between.

I jump up out of the couch, trying to ignore the sting. As i try and walk past them into the kitchen, to grab my bag and get the fuck out, Tom steps in front of me, pressing his chest into mine.

"Looking for these?" He says, showing my two backpacks, full to the brim with my belongings, dangling from his fingers. I'll give it to him, they were quite heavy so it was impressive that he could hold them like that, but i also knew i'd been caught out.

"Thanks." I snatch them from him, trying to move past him still. But being the stubborn prick that Tom had always been, of course, he grabs my shoulder, throwing me back into the couch, i fall on my back- crying out in pain.

"You were shot Eris. Where do you think your gonna go?"

"You think we're just gonna let you leave?" Gustav buts in, smiling and clearly enjoying tormenting me.

I can do nothing but sit, looking up at the three boys.

"I didn't do anything to you. Please just let me go." I whine, finding myself sinking into the couch, to make distance in between myself and them.

"From the fact that you secretly left in the middle of the night.. And then drugged Gustav and Bill, i think you already know that i can't just let you leave the Tokios." Tom says

"Deserters are killed Bitch!" Gustav shouts again.

"I was never a Fucking Tokio!" I shout, my patience growing thin. By now Crystal and Mila had probably made it to the airport. Meaning i was in this alone, i wish i hadn't listened to her. I really wish.

"Shhh" Bill finally speaks, his hand meeting my lips, as he clasps his palm over my mouth. He brings his face close to mine, whispering to me

"We're going to make this worse than death." He grins, Bill couldn't take his eyes away from mine, he couldn't get enough of the fear that brimmed in my eyes. The tears that were beginning to swim around my eyelashes.

"What did i do?!" I shout, although of course my words are muffled against Bills hand, which he forces into my face deeper, pushing my head against the couch.

"Shut the fuck up! You helped Mila escape. You kidnapped me and Gustav!"

Fucking snake.

My hands grab Bills arm, trying to pull him away from my face. I can't. But Tom can, He placed one hand along Bills shoulder, pulling him back from me. I sat, catching my breath.

"Can i speak to her alone." Tom asks the other two boys, As we both watch them Exit the room.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now