stuck between

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I look up from the car seat i'd been sulking in, realising that the car had come to a stop. My eyes are stuck looking upwards, at the ceiling of Gustavs car- Once white leather turned beige from smoking probably.

"Go on then." Gustav said bluntly, which i scoffed at, sluggishly bringing my head to the side so that he could see my glare

"What am i doing?" I say

"Walk into that bank- tell them your taking a loan out on an account in the name lovell." Tom says.

"You had to get me to do that?" I question him rubbing my pounding headache.

"Your brother has a fake account set up, it doesn't have a limit."

I sigh sitting up and reaching for the handle, before i leave Gustav turns to me


I frown in disbelief, telling the boys that there was no way that i would be able to get that amount in cash. To which they disagreed.
Reluctantly i finally pushed the door open, letting the cold winters air spew into Gustavs car. With a deep sigh i left them, walking down the busy street, i hid behind my sunglasses and hood. With every step i took i could feel my head pound.

As i reached the doors to this bank i checked behind my shoulder, Gustav and Tom sat planted in the Mercedes, almost nudging me forward with their eyes. I shook my head at them in pointless defiance, before disappearing from their eyesight and entering the bank. I must've looked so out of place- The whole atmosphere of the building was expensive, polished marble floors, gold plated lifts, every surface in the room shined as if someone had polished it for hours on end. I pulled my hood down, making my way past busy-looking suited people and to the desk. The lady smiled, saying

"Hello! what can i help you with today?"

I didn't posses the strength to smile back, instead replying "I need to take a loan out.. The accounts under the surname Lovell."

As i mentioned the name i saw the woman's face change, She tried to hide her expression by looking down inside her desk for paperwork, but i could still see the way she anxiously bit her lip- not saying another word.

It was fascinating to me how fearful people were of Angelo. I mean i had the right to be- he almost killed me- But regular people? Angelo couldn't care less about them.. so what did they have to be scared of? He wasn't completely evil, wasn't the type to kill a random person- The only murders that plagued our newspapers were that of gang members. Civilians were the safest people in Leipzig.

She pulled out a sheet of paper, placing it in front of me "Can i ask your name?"

"Eris Lovell." i say

"Ah the sister?" She says watching me pick up the paper, i nod and wonder if she knew from guessing, or if we were really that known in Leipzig.

I take the paper and sit down, feeling heavy as i fall into the seat. Id only filled in my name when i head the woman shout me back,

"I didn't realise but your brother should be here any moment to take a loan out himself, if you wait till he gets here you won't need to do all of that paperwork."

My stomach churns hearing what she said, at the same moment my phone dings, i quickly check it before answering the woman. The text is from Tom and i can only guess what it says. I turn around to see what i was dreading, Angelo.

To my relief he was smiling right at me, "Hello sister!" He placed one big hand on my shoulder, with enough force to tell me not to move. He just guides me out of the bank, not saying another word, but i pick up the message. I take one look back at the receptionist, wishing i didn't have my sunglasses on so that she could see the raw fear in my eyes, and understand what was happening. But it was too late, we were back onto the cold street once again. His hand still clutching at my tender shoulder. I drag my feet, trying to slow his fast pace as i'm dragged down the street, away from Tom and Gustav.

I try and discreetly look behind me, to see the both of them watching in awe as i'm being dragged away. its almost as if i was housing two brains at that moment, i was stuck between wanting to run, and playing it safe, but Angelo made it very clear which idea was best when he lent over to whisper in my ear

"Don't even try and run Eris, your either a sniper or your dead."

With no more words he escorts me into his notorious blue bmw. I sit in the passenger wiping my brow anxiously

"You don't have to be scared of me- I'm not mad little sis." He laughs clutching the steering wheel.

Hearing that switched my whole mindset, i remembered the anger i felt towards him, rather that the fear. I forcefully turn in my seat, facing him now. I look deep behind his eyes, honey brown like mine, but lacking the morals that mine housed. I felt sick feeling love for him still, but you never lose the love you have for your family, never.

"I'm fucking mad Angelo! You almost killed me- Believed Kats sick lies!"

"I know.. I know. Im sorry Eris, just let me show you something, i think you might consider coming back."

"Psh- Angelo i will never want to be a sniper. But do i have a fucking choice."

Angelo shrugs, driving me through Leipzig, We leave South and for the first time in a month i was back in North Leipzig. "We've been doing really good Eris, Everything i've done is for you and mama." Angelo mutters, concentrating on the road. This was the most sincere id heard
my brother, but he'd done nothing for me but hurt me.

"What are you talking about." I ask.

Instead of answering he simply nods, referencing the place we were headed. I hadn't even realised but we'd just entered the gates of a massive house, it was beautifull, as we drove up the path leading to the doors, i took in the magnificent view. Luscious vines crept up the chateau looking building.

"where are we?" I say placing my hands on the dashboard to pull myself forward and get a better look.

"This is what i've been doing for the past month. We're not just a normal street gang anymore Eris. This is real." Angelo smiles at me, as my mind sprints- This? This massive beautiful house is Angelos?

"Are you serious?" I laugh, hopping out of the car to take a better look. Almost as if he was waiting for my approval, Angelo did the same, pulling me along into this mansion. I'm not sure how it was possible but the inside of his house looked even better.

"There's a bedroom for you and mum. Oh and mums gottten a lot better Eris, she spoke to me yesterday." He says guiding me through the mansion giddily.

Angelo had spoke to me, convinced me of a life with him, mama and me in it. Assuring me that the snipers would welcome me back and everything would work out. And stupidly i was  genuinely considering it. By now i was sat in my room, It was earily large, but Angelo had moved all of my old belongings into it. I lay back on my bed, breathing in the smell of nothing, this house, as beautiful as it was, it felt empty.

A nock was followed by my door slowly entering, and the person who came through it was Kat.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now