Between the snipers and the tokio bloods

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"Oh is that how you escaped the attic?" Angelo smiles confidently stopping just feet away from me and Tom. 'that' probably meaning Tom.
I look at Kat, who seams tense. I wonder what Angelo would do if he knew that she let me out. Before Tom could speak in protest i squeeze his wrist secretly. Making him shut up and look at me. I whisper to him

"Go before something happens."

Angelo breaks from Kats grasp and walks up to me, almost barging Tom to the side he murmurs

"I should shoot you right here."

"In front of mum?!" I argue back, swinging my mothers bedroom door open so that she's in Angelos view. He steps back momentarily, looking at her.

"Leave Angelo- your dead to our family. You made that clear when you picked the snipers over us." I say not backing away from his stare. Kat and Tom stand to the side onlooking.

"Where is my money." Angelo says

"MY money is with the tokio hotels now. I suggest you leave before i get you back for stealing it." Tom finally says stepping in between and staring into my brothers eyes with a fierce demeanour.

"Are you fucking my sister?" Angelo laughs stepping back from Tom. I know from experience that when he feels threatened he jokes, some sort of defence mechanism.

"I mean why the fuck are you here at my mums room?" Angelo presses on. But it's kind of true.. i mean the leader of the Tokios, why is Tom here?

I looked to Tom, anticipating his answer. But i see Angelo reach into his pocket. Not wanting the situation to get out of hand i pull Tom away from my brother, clinging onto his wrist as we walk quickly down the corridor. Tom follows but whispers to me
"Eris, I'll take care of him if you want me-"

Toms cut off by Angelos almost deranged shout. The pitch and anger of his words struck shivers throughout my body, as i realised just how much my brother had changed. He almost sounded
like a completely different person. One who was overcome by greed and crime. And power.


I try to ignore his screams still pulling Tom down the corridor, until im forced to stop when Tom Halts Rapidly, Turning to my brother and yelling

"I killed Lucas you fucking idiot!! But now look at what you've done to your sister."

As he mentioned me he forcefully grabbed my arm, pulling me in front of him to show Angelo. As if My brother felt remorse. As if the both of them weren't killers who didn't give a shit about anybody.

Hearing that my brother Pelted towards Tom.

Toms pov

I watched as Eris's brother came barrelling towards me, i pushed Eris to the side as she covered her mouth in shock. His stocky body made contact with mine as i felt his whole weight push into me, trying to knock me over. But i retaliated quickly, Standing my ground and pelting him right in the ribs.
The sound of his recoil motivated me, as i heard him gasp desperately for air. I don't hesitate, instead i punch him again and again. Targeting his weak spots as he sluggishly clasps his hands around his stomach. That doesn't deter me though, his time i go for his face, Giving him the same bloody nose that he gave Eris. I've been waiting to do this ever since He stole my fucking money.

Only now that my initial adrenaline has ran out do i start to notice Eris's cries, she's telling me to
stop. I feel her feeble hands wrap around my waist as she pulls me back from the bloody mess that's her brother. I can't understand why Eris would stop me- Doesn't she hate her brother? Or is she that stupid that she still loves him?

I think my suspicions were confirmed, Eris's weakness was that she cared too much.

I asses the scene in front of me. Angelo sits before me huddled in a chair, surrounded by doctors and nurses, in fact i realise that the doctors are holding him back. His face is red with rage as i watch him try and claw his way towards me. Eris is still tugging on my t shirt as i finally decide to follow her out of the building, choosing not to go any further with Angelo. But as we jump into the car all i can think about is the possible war i started. One between the Snipers and the Tokio Bloods.

Eris's Pov

I jump in besides Tom, as he clutches the wheel in anger. His knuckles are laced in my brothers blood, and he looks like he could punch me at any moment, his face scrunched up furiously.

I throw my hands up shouting "What the fuck Tom?!"

He turns to me surprised, but i can tell that he's still angry. He says nothing and starts up the engine.

"I'm going, Your a fucking idiot for so many reasons" I say reaching for the door, unsure of why i even got into his car, But he quickly pressed the lock, as i pull aimlessly at the handle, once again trapped. I turn back to him, and he must expect my shouting as he groans

"You should be saying thank you, i just saved you."

I lean backwards, taken back by what i'd heard

"THANK YOU?!" I scream

"It's your fucking fault that my brother wants me dead!? You killed Lucas, Made me go behind the snipers, beat my brother up in front of my mother, AND  you left me for DEAD yesterday!!" I point to my fingers counting all the shitty things Tom has done.

He looks at me with denial, as his eyes search mine. He shakes his head biting his lip before saying

"Your so fucking ungrateful." He scoffs, but i see a small grin appear, almost as if he's enjoying this. I bring my hand up and slap his cheek hard, almost expecting him to turn around and do the same to me that he did to my brother. I flinch as he turns to look at me, a red mark appearing on his cheek. He laughs unsettlingly, but I can tell that his tone is serious

"I'll let you off this time but I wouldn't smack the boss of the Tokio Bloods, babe." He licks his lip piercing confidently before beginning to drive us out of the parking lot, not letting me out.

"I'm not going to your house, Tom." I cross my arms.

"And where are you going to stay?" He says still looking forwards, clenching his jaw irritatedly.
I sit there in silence, realising i'm basically homeless.

"I have a place in mind." Tom says.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now