Silence fell upon us

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My head was empty, All that i could hear was the rapid tap tap tap from my heals as i sprinted down the street. I was at least 5 minutes away from the club and this prick was catching up.

I decided to try and throw him off my path, i knew these streets well. Taking a right, i pushed myself off of a wall, propelling myself down an alley. It was dimly lit.. I ran and ran and ran.. Although i could hardly see.


The pain was sudden, immense. I cried out before i could even sense where this rush of discomfort had started. I attempted  to run still, now realising this agony was in my foot. Id ran straight into a broken pole. I stopped momentarily, wincing as i grabbed my foot out of pure reaction. But I could still feel the adrenaline pump through my veins, as i realised that Jason was probably right behind me. I ran my fingers along my throbbing foot, sliding my heal off i turned around.

My intuition was right, Jason was about a metre away from me, his face almost distorted into a look of complete determination. I reacted quickly, thrusting my heal straight into his face. "ILL KILL YOU" I screamed.

Jason staggered back, clasping his eyes. I watched on, seeing shiny, crimson blood trickling down his hands, down his arms, and drip onto his feet.

I took no time to continue on my way, sliding my other heal off in the moment. My feet screamed, A mixture of landing on broken shards of glass and having a couple broken toes made it hard to run. I could tell that i was now a lot slower. Not to mention that the effects of the weed Jason had given me were still in full swing. Tears began to gush from my eyes, as i wailed in fear, Just before i made it to the end of the alley i was sent toppling forwards, feeling a huge amount of pressure on my back. My face was pushed  up against the cold wet floor. Jason was laying on top of me, he must have thrown himself to catch me.

"Why are you doing this?" I squeaked, the amount of weight on my body had almost removed all oxygen from my lungs, and i didn't even have the strength to breathe in.

"Because.." Jason growled pulling my hair back, so that my face was lifted up towards the sky, i watched it.. for a moment. The moon seamed so calm. I wish i lived there. Tranquility.

"Your irresistible." he uttered, as i felt his blood splash against my cheek, he was now standing above me, his hands yanking at my hair and his boot placed violently on my back, permitting me from moving.

I cried some more.. Possessing no strength to fight this crazy fuck. "Angelo will kill you if you don't leave right now." I snivelled. If anybody could see me right now- Me. The sister of the leader of the snipers. Crying.

I pulled my hands up, scratching and scraping at his, in one last attempt to make him let go of my hair. He held it with such force that i genuinely thought he would scalp me in that moment.

Silence fell upon us for a while, as I heard Jason gasp.


The sound was unmistakable. A gunshot came from in front of me. Jason suddenly let go of his tight grip and i heard him stumble to the ground, as my face was plunged back into the street from the pressure release. I placed my hands in front of me, swiftly bringing myself up to my feet, only to be faced with Tom Kaulitz once again. My heart fluttered as i fell through emotions, Confusion, Then Relief and then Fear once again.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now