Chapter 10.2: Ep 4/2

Start from the beginning

"Okay then. Maybe we have to say goodbye with those beautiful cupcakes" Tinn turned his eyes towards the cake table, smiling "As our president of the music club isn't interested in them at all."

Tinn wriggled his arm, making the spoon in his hand like a zigzag plane waiting to land on Gun's lips.

Gun had to laugh at this stupidity. He obediently ate the piece of meat, silently praising the delicious food, and thought that if only he could bring Chinzhilla to come here to devour them. Surely on the day of the fair event, they would lead each other to destroy this booth.

Tinn asked someone to bring them two tiny cupcakes. The culinary club further emphasized that they had to bake nearly ten batches of cakes to produce such adorable decorated cupcakes.

Gun reached out to receive the beautiful orange cupcakes, but less than a second later, it was on the toe of Gun's shoe, and that gorgeous orange cake turned into a tangy orange cream in his socks.

Gun mumbled looking at the ground. Did God intend to let him play the leading role of a tragic movie or something as lately he has been so unlucky.

Before he had time to apologize, a pair of clean shoes was placed beside his feet. Tinn knelt down and helped him take off his shoes, making his whole body stiffen like a wax figure. The many glances around made him cringe to the point of shrinking his legs, but Tinn's strong hand was faster when he gripped Gun's ankle and spoke softly.

"Gun, stay."

Gun did not know how he got through this endless minute-long period of time. Finally, by some sort of magic, he left the culinary club room with Tinn's rather large shoes under his feet, and Tinn in slippers with his cake-stained shoes in Tinn's hand.

"Tin. You don't have to do that. I can take it home to do the laundry." Gun chirped.

"It's okay. Actually I did it on purpose to coax you."

Tinn gave a half-truth and half-false answer, making Gun only stare at the two people's silhouettes that were reflected on the ground.

"Have you been happier?" Tinn asked, knowing that Gun was also very depressed when he was forced to stand outside the classroom. "We can stop by the music club booth if you want."

"I went to check out the music club booth this morning" said Tinn. "This year the music club has improved a lot. Your booth is properly designed, no problem at all. You don't have to worry."

Gun nodded, then realized he still had the heart shaped cupcakes in his hand. He stopped and held it out in front of Tinn.

"You don't eat it?"

Tinn asked, worried that Gun was embarrassed by what he had done in the culinary club room. Maybe he went too far by not consulting Gun before helping.

"No. I want you to eat with me."

Since it was the cupcakes that Tinn gave to Gun, he did not want to share it with anyone else. Perhaps this was the only thing he wanted to selfishly keep for them.

He broke the cake in half, the heart-shaped icing instantly split in half, but he believed this could mean nothing about his love affair with Tinn. He put the cake in front of Tinn's mouth and smiled comfortingly.

"Mr president, please say "aaaa""

"I'm not the president yet." Tinn shook his head helplessly but opened his mouth wide.

No, you are always my school president.

Tinn's cold lip touched the tips of his fingers, making Gun numb from the emotion. Gun blushed because of the shady scenes that flashed through his mind, but judging from the look on the school president's face, it certainly was not intentional.

|ENG-TinnGun| The School President IS NOT my boyfriend???Where stories live. Discover now