Chapter 17.1: Ep 8/2

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Now, Tinn can be filled with happiness lying on the sunny sands with the one he loves, as if what happened in the past week had nothing to do with him.

Gun's fingers were drawn on the sand, his eyes were far away, thinking about nothing.

It's only been a week, but the wheel of their fate has turned in a completely different direction.


Half a week ago...

Dream slowly walked into the restroom and leaned back against the door. The smell of clean disinfectant was everywhere. She staggered toward the sink, letting the light from the mirror reflect on her face.

Even the restroom in this hospital is clean and white without a single speck of dust. Dream looked at her own red eyes in the mirror, feeling the cleanliness of this even more revealing her vile stupidity.

She propped her hands on the edge of the sink and stared into herself.

Because from the moment she crossed the threshold, there was always a pair of eyes watching her back.

"Sorry..." the other said first, smiling calmly. "...if it makes you uncomfortable. You're so pretty that I cannot take my eyes off you."

Dream retracted her confrontational gaze, nodding briefly at the other person.

The other girl placed a small bag of tissues on the edge of the sink and comforted her softly.

"Don't be sad. Your loved one will get well soon."

When that girl left, Dream was able to shed her gentle and friendly appearance.

Yes, her loved one will definitely get better, because what they want her brother to receive is a lesson, not death.

Illus' surgery went well that night and the doctor said he would wake up soon. The accident left him with several broken ribs and an arm, along with minor injuries to other areas. She had heard the nurses exclaim that this was a very fortunate case, as the patient had no internal bleeding but only surgical injuries.

It is said that after causing the accident, the driver calmly took the initiative to call an ambulance and specifically informed Illus's condition, then offered to pay the entire hospital bill for him. In addition to the fact that the driver is a good person, only professional criminals know how much pressing the accelerator is enough and can determine the extent of the victim's injuries just by looking at the scene.

Well, in a perfect crash, Illus' injuries weren't severe enough for the driver to be criminally prosecuted, but enough to get Illus himself the proper punishment.

Is this a friendly warning?

What kind of fight he engaged in that makes a high school student Illus get this kind of warning punishment?

Is it something related to the basketball tournament...

Or the thugs that her brother hangs out with?

At first, Dream was still half-credulous with her own judgment, until she ran into the driver who caused the accident at the hospital billing counter.

"Your brother shouldn't have been like that."

"If only he hadn't been dragged in by his friend to serve as a meat cushion."

The recording from the car's dash cam was discreetly placed in Dream's hand when the two passed each other.

Dream wanted to give this memory card directly to the police, but her sense held her back.

There is no way that an accident driver would give the most valuable evidence to the victim's tenth grade sister instead of submitting it to the police to prove the force majeure situation.

|ENG-TinnGun| The School President IS NOT my boyfriend???Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora