Yagami vs Ayanokouji

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I was





Oh no oh no. I'm gonna streak my hands with blood before I leave.

I'm gonna make my mark.

Ibuki tried restraining me only for me to twist my leg backwards and connect it against her face. Her body got hurled towards the desks of the student council. I don't care if they die, they're in my way.

"Stop it." Mashima said

"Move now and you'll be safe, I'm warning you."

He didn't move and tried restraining me, only to get his knee kicked and a bone shaterring punch to his skull.

Komiya and Sakagami tried stopping my assault but I ducked under Komiya's punch and kneed him in the stomach, before using his body to block the barage of punches thrown by Sakagami. I threw Komiya's limp body to the side and twirled Sakagami's arm around. He fell to his knees and screamed in agony as his arm contorted shape and got broken.

"Wow..you fight like a beast." Ryuuen remarked

He charged me and I ducked under his pathetic punch before I threw a jab to his nose which he blocked. I guess he's ok? I threw a few more jabs at his nose, all connecting sucessfully, Ryuuen's nose bled out as I kicked him unconciouss.

"Yagam stop this."

Amasawa took up a fighting stance

"I'll kill you Amasawa, don't make me do it."

I sensed someone else behind me, it was Horikita. Her and Amasawa both decided to charge me at the same time and all I had to do was swiftly move to the side as their lips connected.

Aw how romantic.

I kicked Amasawa in the side and sweeped Horikita off the floor. She cried in pain. This bitch's too loud. I shut Horikita up when my heel connected with her teeth, quiet possibly breaking half of them.

Amasawa decided to continue her assault, throwing punches and kicks. Amasawa isn't normal, she's really gifted. All were sharp, as expected of her, but I was much better than her. I grabbed her fist and backhanded her in the face, spiralling her backwards. She charged again to be met with an elbow to the face and a hook to the side of her head. I quickly but swiftly threw punches and kicks, knocking her down. It's about patience and skill.

"You fucker, your just worse than Ayanokouji-senpai.."

Is she asking for a death wish?

I wanted to toy with her now. Amasawa threw a punch which I ducked under and went up behind her, slapping her ass. She fell to the floor.


"Get up."

She tried again and before long, the same thing happened and I slapped her ass onto the floor. I could see my handprints.

"Fucker it hurts."

"It feels even softer than in the white room."

"Sex isn't the point you bastard, the slaps hurt."

To reafirm my point, I repeated the duck under Amasawa and slap her ass again.

Amasawa teared up now.

The girl wobbled up and tried again. Impressive. I slid my hands into my pockets, deciding to end this. She charged one last time as I kicked her leg and then her stomach, sending her backwards.

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