The store clerk

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(I fucking hate the rapist store clerk so this one shot is from the bottom of my heart.)

I turned the corner to see the electronics store clerk on top of Airi Sakura, forcibly ripping her blazer off.

"I'll show you how much I love you, I'll make sure our kids will be happy-"

"Ichinose don't call the department." I said to the beautiful pink haired princess behind me.

"Huh why?"

"I'm dealing with him."

"No I have to call the-"

I pinned Ichinose against the wall, bringing our proximity to mere milimeters away from each other. I ignored Ichinose's red face and said

"You owe me a favour after I helped you with the rejection of the girl from your class, the least you can do is help me out and not call the authoraties. I've got this under control."

I let go of her and peeped through the corner. The clerk had ripped her blazer off and was about to advance, but not on my watch.

I snapped a picture and watched as he craned his ugly ass face towards my direction.

"I- No please don't show anyone. We were roleplayi-"

I charged the bastard and kicked him across the face, splaterring half his teeth on the floor. I took sadistic pleasure in watching how he stared at me, fear evident in his eyes, contrasting the emptyness mine showed.

"You think I'll forgive you, I've killed innocent men and you think I'll save a rapist? Think again."

"No plea-" His slurred way of talking due to the kick was interrupted when I grabbed him by the hair and lifted him up. I spat on his face, a clear indication of the difference between us.

"Your fucking sick." I coldly stated as I smashed his head in against the wall. He kept crying which only led me to stick my shoe inside of his face, Watching as he tried pulling it out to no avail.

"Ay-anokouji I-I think that's e-enough." I tilted my head to see Airi Sakura trembling.

"Look away Sakura, He's lucky he's not dead yet. I deicde what to do with him. Not you."

I turned back to him and grabbed a hold of his right arm, placing my left foot on his shoulder. I pulled his arm and kept pushing my foot against his shoulder, effectively trying to pry his arm clean off. it took a lot of effort but I watched in bliss as blood splattered everywhere and I held the clerks ripped off arm. 

"UH8juh908UHUYBB!" His words were inaudible as I shoved his own bloodied and ripped off arm inside his mouth. 

I felt no sympathy for him

I then proceeded to snap his leg when I grabbed a hold of it and twisted it behind his back. The fat fuck wasn't that flexible and his leg got messed up in the process.

Why snap his leg? It was for a deeper purpose. I then took Sakura back to her dorm and called Ichinose over to comfort her.


I returned 2 days later to see him still there, unconcious. I snapped his leg to not allow him to slither away from me. I kicked him in his puny little dick which effectively woke him up. I then proceeded to batter his face in with my foot

(picture levi beating eren but 100 times worse)

After I was satisfied I left him there and called security on the electronic stores phone. Made them listen to me kicking his face in. Now they should scout the store, they're definetly suspicious of what the fuck I was doing. All I left was a printed copy of the man attempting to rape Sakura and a note.


I walked into the scene to see the electronics store clerk. Bloodied and beaten, his arm was in his mouth and his leg was broken.

"Sergeant, there's a note here." I looked to my officer who had picked up a picture and a note.

"Pass them here." I took it off him and examined them closely. The picture consisted of a man on top of student whoose face was blurred for some reason, her blazer ripped off. The meaning was clear, this was attempted rape. I then took another look at the bloodied man and the picture of the rapist, they were the same. Same attire, same body and barely recognisable but same face. I then read the note

"The victim specifically told me not to tell the authoraties of her identity and that she wanted to stay anonymous. So respect her wishes. And I dealt with the rapist as you can tell. Take him to the hospital, he'll die before entering. Sergeant, begin your futile search. You won't find me and even if you do, you know I did the right thing. - From ANHS student"

Who the fuck was this kid? He predicted everything to the point of me being the one to read the note. Holy shit...That's terrifying in every way. I looked at the man, the boy was right. We have to search for him, he indirectly stated that he was above our department. But we have to..

"What now sergeant?"

"Take the man to hospital and we'll search for this boy."


What I wrote on the note was true. Sakura told me to keep herself anonymous and if my predictions are true. The mans already dead as he was being taken to the hospital. And they're searching for me now. Sakura and Ichinose are terrified of me as of now, but Ichinose calmed down quicker as she realised I did the right thing.


"Sergeant how are the reports coming in?"

"The man died whilst on the way to the hospital and finding the boy has been to no avail. We'll cancel the search, there's no traces to look at."


I should've abused that guy more.


I enjoyed writing this so much 


why am I moaning


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