Ayanokouji doesn't hold back (part 2)

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I scanned the card and watched as the cashier gave me the receipt. It really works exactly like money. I think all my predictions that I made in class were true, though some still seem to be ignorant. It's fine tho, I should polish these defects if I want them to be at the top. Which I do because I'm feeling benevolent today. I definetly made a mark on the class as a whole they'll see me as a leader and someone to look up to.

"Uhh sir? There's people in line.."

Oh I was zoning out

"Oh sorry I was daydreaming." I replied as I scooted away to be met with...

Whorikita I meant Horikita

"Another annoying coincidence it seems, God really does hate me."

"Stop being so prickly for a few minutes please."

Horikita then proceeded to pick up the cheapest brand of shampoo and conditioner

"I thought girls would get more extravagent products."

"I trust your words in class."

"That's great but there's no need to be that constrictive with your money, it wouldn't hurt to spend a little."

"You talk like very...Weird? Yeah weird is the right word."

Before I could respond, something caught Horikita's eye. Adjascent to the aisle we were at was a cart with a sign written



"My words seem to be getting further proven."

"I guess so, seems you weren't lying when you said you were smart. I just thought the school was being too lenient, never picked up the rest until you told us."

Her thinking the school was being lenient was good enough to show that she did have some sort of capability in her. Before our conversation ensued, a commotion outside caught my attention.

"Think your better than me because your older?"

"I bet he's in class D."

"I am, and what?"

the seniors burst into laughter when the red headed delinquent who left the introductions told them he was in class 1-D.

"You wanna fight? I'l take on all 3 of you."

"Go on, take a swing you scum."

A camera mounted above the lot of them,

no wonder they want him to take a swing

"Horikita hold my phone and record this, I'll pay you another 10000." I am just blowing points to Horiktia but it's fine, I'll earn a whole lot more after this.

Before the red headed hot head raised his fist, I managed to get in the way and subdue his punch.

"Who the hell are you now?"

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I'm in your class and I just wanted to tell you that there's a camera above you." He craned his head upwards and eyed the camera

"These seniors are trying to make you punch them so they can take your private points. Chabashira-sensei did say the school takes bullying seriously."

Upon realising I was true, he cooled himself down a bit.

"I never would've expected you to be in class D, maybe B or A.."

"Why did you not expect that?"

"You lot are the bottom of the lot, your gonna be in hell after the first month."

COTE one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora