Kanzaki's t-rex ;)

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"And there we have it, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is our KING!!" hollered my delusional classmate Shibata So. This game is putrid and all in all below the belt. Haha, get it? I won't make a joke ever again. I felt sympathy for our "king". He had quiet the disgruntled look on his face. Not that I care..

"Delusional idiots, I'm leaving" I muttered, speeding towards the exit.

"OI KANZAKI, WHERE YOU GOING?" Yamauchi Haruki screamed in his ear cancer causing voice. God's I didn't want this to happen 

"I'm going to change, now please excuse me."


"I'm not as sooty and immoral as you Yamauchi, please excuse me for the 2nd time."

I was getting ticked off, I'm not going to commit dishonourable actions such as showing my genitals towards other men, or boys to be exact.

"Guys, you know what we have to do?" Kanji Ike sighed

"Yup." Replied everyone collectively

"take it off. Take it off. TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!" 

the chant pierced my cochlea, scraping the insides of my earlobes. Gosh why were they so loud?!

I tried walking off only to be interrupted by Yamada Albert, a burly foreigner.

"shuffle aside Yamada, I'm not here for games." I warned

Me and Yamada had a staredown, before I felt someones arm behind me reach towards my towel. It was slow, well for my standards. I could either stop this person, but that would raise major suspicion over my abilities. Or I could let this person take it off and I would have to show them what no man has ever seen before. I decided to move.I slid under Kakeru Ryuen's arm and slipped towards the changing rooms. Now running, I scanned my eyes for any obstacles. And there stood our king himself, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji was staring deep into my eyes, a look of sympathy and trust. A mutual agreement passed between us at that moment.

We both weren't normal.

"Please, for my sake. I didn't want to do this either" Ayanokoji sighed, moving towards me with his exalibur dangling in the air

"They'll find out my secret, how my thing is so, so-"

"It's fine," Ayanokouji interrupted "life requires sacrifice. For my sake please"

"What do I get out of this? I need something lucrative and appealing." I quipped, I should make the most out of it. I had suspicions about Ayanokouji, and my suspicions were soon to be proven true. 

"I'll join your class..." he said, the same monotone voice as normal

"I knew you weren't normal..Deal" 

We shook hands, his grip was firm. I slowly panned my head around, sighing internally

"You unscrupulous homo-sapiens desired this, so I shall henceforth provide."

Before I could take my towel off, I felt the same presence behind me. 

But this time I let it happen.

My bahtrobe got pulled clean off, my member was now exposed..

"Oh my.."

"So, so s-"

"So sma-"

"So smashable..."

"So humongous.."

"It's the same size as Koenji's..."

And then began the whispering. I was for a second contemplating my actions, but Kiyotaka's mildly suprised face was enough for me to relax again

"Kanzaki, we didn't know you had a t-rex down there.." drooled Shibata.

"Why are you drooling..?" I inquired, my face contorting to disgust

And then it happened.

Shibata smirked

Albert smirked (wow)

Koenji smirked

Ayanokouji smirked (tf)

I smirked

We all approached each other...


Sorry if this is cursed, I like Kanzaki's character a lot. 

Give me any ideas, I don't mind.

Thanks for reading

COTE one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora