Ayanokoji's marriage

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I scanned my surroundings as tears let loose

All these people were in my high school

we used to be classmates 

young children

And now I was getting married. And they were all here to see it happen.

"Stop crying my friend." Hirata smiled as he patted me on the back

"Thank you for being with me Hirata."

"Anything for you."

"Good job."

"Thank you Horikita."

I walked up the podium, tearing up again as I saw everyone cheering me on

Everyone from class D 

and B

and C

and A

And my father?

"return to the white ro-" my father's words got cut off as he got jumped by Hosen the gorilla. Hosen was a great friend

"Goodjob Kiyo-senpai!" waved Ichika from the crowd

All the juniors were here

and the seniors

I love all these people

I finished my walk and came eye to eye with my wife. She was stunning. Her white wedding dress only further exemplified her beauty. I teared up. I'm definetly having kids with her.

"May we start?" said Manabu, the pope.

"Yes." I smiled, tears streaming down my face

Manabu and I became friends when we had a fight over his sister

and now he was the pope at my wedding.

He finished reading the wedding rituals.

Manabu gave me a warm smile and said,

"You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone in ANHS cheered as mine and Ryuuen's lips met.


I cried making this 

so emotional

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