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you-are ur stitches feeling okay?
you tried to switch the conversation topic looking up to him getting a nod back

flynn-theyre fine don't worry about me

you-well i am worrying, you didn't tell me you got shot

flynn-well i met you 2 night ago i didn't think i had to tell you

you-well im intrested, especially now we've had sex

flynn-im not sure i can talk about it without crying
he admitted his face turning a little paler, his eyes going softer

you-its okay, im a therapist remember? whatever you say or do is accepted with me

flynn-well almost 2 weeks ago me and my partner came across an abuse case, husband abusing his wife the normal physical abuse call but he had other woman chained up to the walls and nobody knew so we walked in to that horrific sight

you-im so sorry

flynn-its okay things like this can happen
he smiled sliding his hands into your hair

flynn-we were trying to help the women 2 at a time on our arms and the guy realsied we'd entered so he fired at me in an attempt to kill the girls but instead i got 5 shots


flynn-thank god for bullet proof vests we wear one in the front and another in the back but when he shot me the 3rd time my vest moved and so he shock my back

you-thats awful flynn, do you not have a therapist already you talk to about this stuff?
you asked rubbing your hands against his chest

flynn-i don't need one, unless ur offering i'll happily takes it
he smirked and you chuckled rolling away quickly being pulled back

you-im definitely offering, you can't keep all this bottled in you could have PTSD, or-

flynn-y/n, i can sleep at night and i haven't quit so that's enough for me

you-i don't care what is and isn't enough for you, im not letting you bottle it all up
your eyes connected with his and his lips curved into a soft smile

flynn-okay, what days do you have available?
he asked and you grabbed ur phone from the table beside you realising you had a text from ashton

ashton-you okay hunny? im done now im so sorry
22 minutes ago

ashton-i take it you took my offer, how is he?
7 minutes ago

you brushed the texts aside checking your calendar

you-okay i have wednesday's at 11am open, monday's at 7pm

he relplied quickly and you smiled sitting up

you-you sure?

flynn-i cant do 9am to 4pm so 7 monday it is
he smiled lying against ur stomach and you glanced back up to your phone placing him into your calender tapping on the chat with ashton

you-we can't keep doing this if we want a child ashton you need to get back in the office with me to fix this
you replied locking your phone looking back down to flynn.

his eyes were stuck on a gaze at you which made you smile. you ran your hands through his hair playing with it and his gaze turned into a confuse frown

flynn-whats wrong

you-hm? what do you mean?
yu asked confused

flynn-i can read you like a book y/n ur eyes say everything, what's on your mind

you-alot recently
you put a soft smile on your lips as his hand slid into yours

flynn-tell me about it, im all ears

you-well my boyfriend isn't just a normal guy his been through alot of trauma, he was a paitent of mine and as sad as it sounds sex is one of his coping mechanisms. i mean as a therapist i've seen it before but it actually happening to me feels like the worst thing ever

flynn-well first of all his an asshole-


flynn-ok ok well honestly i think you two should take a step back and you should take him back as a paitent to work through that, ur not gonna get anywhere if you don't
his hand rubbed your gently and you nodded

you-i just said that to him
you agreed

flynn-if you wanna work things out with him that's the best option, and in the meantimeee
his hands slid onto your hips pulling you against his body

flynn-we can have fun and get to know eachother a little more

you-but i'd feel bad flynn-

flynn-if you two end up working things out i understand that and we can end whatever happens. i'd do anything for just a taste of what it's like to be with you

you smiled

flynn-okay, really!?
he asked excited and you nodded being showered in kisses

you-but i have to talk to him first and then we can move forward

flynn-well you should get out my bed then
he glanced down to your naked body making you laugh

you-nooo after today
you giggled wrapping yourself around him

flynn-ah right after today
he agreed giggling with you

flynn-how about we go cook some pasta for lunch and we tell me about ur life

you-i'd love too
you smiled wrapping yourself around his body and he grabbed a handful of your clothes from the bed carrying you into the kitchen

you slid your shirt, bra and thong on [as that's what he was able to grab] now stood beside him cooking

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