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the following morning you rolled over reaching out and just feeling empty space...ashton?

he slept over last night right?

you glanced over at your window seeing him walk out his bathroom on the phone to somebody

why did he go home?

you sat up and rubbed your eyes grabbing your phone, 9:34am

you glanced back up to him watching him begin to get dressed and so you sat staring interested by him

his eyes flickered over to your window and as soon as he saw you awake his eyes did a double take falling onto you

he gave you a light wave before his face fell white he ran out his bedroom as yours eyes followed his to his kitchen you watched him shove something onto the floor


you laughed watching him panic and he spun to you smiling

you shouted through your house watching his lips move as if he was laughing

you rolled over having a quick shower, letting your hair now deciding on a pretty dark blue flowy long sleeved shirt. it was gorgeous, the sleeves were baggy and you felt like a princess in it. you slid some jeans and shoes on before heading out the house and to your car

ashton rushed over stopping you in your tracks confused

ashton-where you going?

you-to get coffee and a breakfast wrap, why are you being so weird?

ashton-i got you something

your eyes light up and he smiled

ashton-it was my mothers before she took off
he lead you into his house sliding a gorgeous necklace into your hands

it had a blue crystal wrapped around some wire and on it was carved a small symbol

ashton-the symbol means loyalty and im trying my best to show you that even though im some weird sex addict
he shook his head and you chuckle

you-this is beautiful ashton
you slid it back into his hands and spun around as he clipped it onto you..

ashton-its perfect
he smiled sliding his hands onto your shoulders

you-thank you
you smiled gently kissing his lips hugging his warm body

ashton-i got you flowers too
he whispered and you smiled lightly blushing

you-ur the cutest
you complimented pulling back from his body

ashton-ive gotta clean since i haven't been home then ive gotta head to office so i'll see you soon
he rubbed his head clearly stressed and you frowned

you-we can sit and talk later ash, this is taking a tole on you

he nodded in agreement  and you headed to your usual small cafe walking up to the counter

??-ur usual?
she asked and you smiled

you-yeah and could i also get the breakfast wrap and a cookie?

??-of course, which cookie y/n
she smiled sliding the glass aside

the door chimed behind you as you glanced down deciding on a cookie..

??-morning sir
the worker smiled

you-hmm could i get the jam, shortbread one here
you pointed to it and she grabbed it for you

flynn-what are the chances
his family voice chuckled and you spun around to him adding a smile

you-you again oh no
you joked now both laughing

flynn-you look beautiful this morning, speical occasion?
he asked gliding his one hand down your big sleeve..

you-no i just wanted to feel pretty

flynn-well you've achieved that and beyond
he flirted

??-what can i get you this morning officer?
she smiled to him

flynn-whatever she had i'll take
he smiled and the woman became shocked

??-thats a breakfast wrap with eggs, sausages and bacon, a shortbread jam cookie and a caramel latter with extra foam

flynn-wow you have taste
you glanced to you making you chuckle

flynn-sold, i'll take it

??-alright i'll get that done for you as soon as possible
she smiled to you both as she walked off you stood waiting and making small tall

flynn-a caramel lattee

you-theyre super good trust me

flynn-if ur drinking them i bet they are

you had to admit you turned slightly red at those words and he noticed smiling proud his flirt attempts worked

you-what do you usually have?

flynn-green tea

you-green tea!? in the morning??!

flynn-hell yeah
he chuckled

you-now ur crazy, i need coffee to wake me up

flynn-i have coffee once i get to work
he confirmed and you giggled

you-righttt sure you do
you nodded looking up to him, his eyes were already on yours and you turned red again

you-can you stop with that
you said quickly turning away as the worker brought your wraps over now making your coffees

flynn-stop with what im just looking at you

you-yeah more like gazing and flirting

??-are you two a thing?
the worker asked glancing over now drizzling carmel into your cups

flynn-i wish we were i mean look at her
he chuckled making the worker smile

??-i see the spark
she smiled sliding your coffees to you both

you took your cookie, wrap and coffee from the side pulling your purse out

flynn-whats the total?
he asked as you sighed placing your things down getting lost in your bag

??-its 9.45

flynn-what is it for us both ma'am

you-huh, no ur not paying for me
you refused finally finding your card

flynn-id like to do something nice for you

you-well ur not paying i won't let you

??-let him pay y/n
she whispered making flynn laugh

flynn-shes rooting for us
he gave you a smile and you rolled ur eyes

you-if it'll make you sleep tonight you can pay

??-great, thats 18.90 when ur ready sir
he slid her a 20 dollars grabbing his things and you grabbed yours

flynn-keep the change you highered my chances
he smiled walking ahead of you now holding the door for you

you-thank you

flynn-if you look like a princess you should be treated like one too

you-you just dont give up do you

flynn-ur the woman of my dreams y/n

you-what a short, boring girl is ur dream girl?

flynn-ur not boring. ur smile is radiant, ur funny, ur flirty not to mention ur gorgeous

you smiled, your cheek flushing red
you-i really can't flynn im taken

flynn-ur flirting
he shrugged and you chuckled

you-im simply being nice
you slid into your car placing your stuff onto your lap

flynn-youve probably had many men fall in love with you over you being nice then

you-get in
you glanced up breaking your neck to look up at him

he replied in shock

you-eat breakfast with me
you smiled and he didn't waste anytime sliding into your passenger side

patient or past?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ