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you slid your hand into his catching his attention

he whispered turning his head to look at you and you didn't reply

noah-i recently got a job at a gym, not the best but i get pay

2 can play that game ashton. idk wtf u got going on but ur pissing me off already.

that isnt ur god damn cousin is it ash.

you giggled
you-how old are you noah?

noah-18 i just left high school
he smiled sipping from his glass of what looked like coca-cola

you-wow, young boy

he nodded
darri-and you? how old are you y/n

you-im 23

liah smiled adding little giggle turning your attention to her

liah stared at you with this little gleam in her eyes, just gazing. just how ashton would

is she...bi?

you turned your attention back to table as you felt soembodys leg touch yours under the table

you quickly glanced up seeing liah staring down at the bottom of the table

it was her. her leg was touching yours.

she wore a blue dress like yours which was very revealing, way more revealing than yours and had a beautiful touch of lace running along her breasts..

risky but she pulled it off.

you smiled lightly and slipped your heel off your foot running it up her smooth leg

you watched her lips smile and head fall down to look at your leg

ashton-hey stop moving ur leg sweetheart
he whispered grabbing your thigh in his hand

liah and you both glanced to ashton as he leant a little closer brushing your hair behind your ear

ashton-you okay?
he asked softly and you smiled

you-yeah i just.. need a refill im going  crazy
you replied getting out of your seat and quickly making your way to the bar

you took a deep breathe hitting the counter side

??-hey could i get a cocktail, a strong one please

the bartender nodded pouring you a drink as you watched

gail is married to sady
sady's very protective and clingy but playing this little flirty game with ashton.
gail seems a little more...distance should i say.

liah is probably bi and absolutely gorgeous

noah is a young boy finding his way through life

and darri i dont know much about, more of the father figure there.

and im not liking sady's little stares and biting of her lip at ashton. his suppose to be mine and she literally has a beautiful man herself

you took a deep breathe as the guy passed you your drink you went to pay but gail stepped in slipping the guy 100

gail-any drinks she asks for, you give her
he demanded sitting on a stool beside you

woah. what's this little gesture all about?

gail-feeling alright? you look a little...on edge. annoyed if i do say so myself

you chuckled
you-yeah i am, keep ur girl under control

gail chuckled
gail-you think she wants ash?

you-well the little smiles, giggles and biting of her lip is telling me it's a 90-10% chance at the moment

gail-shes just tryna piss you off, see if you care for him. trust me im married to the woman

he had this..accent. not something you'd heard before but it surely was drawing.

you-you have an amazing accent

he smiled
gail-thank you, im originally from australia but grew up in france

you-oh wow, australian and french?

he lightly chuckled sliding his arm onto the bar staring at you

gail-yeah, very long process to get here over the past few months

you-months? so you and sady haven't been married long?

gail-do you think 4 weeks is long? neither do i
he sighed tapping his ring lightly off the wooden counter top

nervous? maybe?

you-not even a month yet wow ashton really stressed the whole she's married and happy thing

gail-yeah she might be but i feel like im missing something. maybe its because im so far from home or that she's shown little to no interest in me since our wedding day

he picked up your glass clearing his throat
gail-you dont mind do you?

you-no go ahead

he drank the rest of it making you shocked before he called the bartender over order 2 more of those and a couple other drinks

gail-so what about you and ash, how long have you two been official

god. i feel terrible to lie but all for ash right?

you sighed glancing up to his eyes

gail-oh my god, ur not really engaged to him are you.

your face turned red and you covered your face laughing with him

you-you cant say anything, please. he wanted to make a good impression and for me to meet his closer family. we arent friends or anything we are getting to know each other on a sexual level but nowhere near engagement

gail-so techniquely your single?


you-well, its difficult. yes and no. im not sure myself

gail-ash is a fool not to cuff you so soon

what are you getting at gail..

you-oh yeah?

gail-ur a beautiful girl i wouldn't lie to you

you-so whats with liah and noah are they taken or?

gail-with noah you never really know his got a new girl every week and liah has been in 1 serious relationships but considering what she does for work it's pretty understandable why shes single

you-shes a pretty girl
you smiled

gail-she has a female preference

i was correct on the whole bi thing
hm. liah.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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