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your smile fell as you glanced down to them

you-really but i thought-

ashton-ur thighs are too big for flared baby

??-i disagree
he guy but in leant against the railing

you-i thought so too because my stomach isnt that big so it'll pull over the front easily

??-ur stomach isn't big at all
the guy reassured you ashton stood beside you in pure shock

ashton-well i should know ive seen you naked hunny
he rubbed it in the guys face

is he saying my stomach isnt flat?
im sorry what?

you-sorry what? are you saying im fat?

ashton-what no, im talking about ur thighs and ass y/n it wont go over the back trust me

you ignored ashton now upset dragging the hangers from him

ashton-ow what the fuck did i do?

you-fumbled ur words and insulted me
you stated confidently now walking off struggling with all the hangers

??-ur dating that guy?
he asked stopping you and taking some hangers

you-yeah i am

he chuckled
??-his rude, ur gorgeous trust me

he flashed a smile directing you two to the counter

you-it's good to hear that from a stranger i struggle with my body imagine
you chuckled nervously

??-im keiza
he smiled with his arms out for a hug

you chuckled lightly hugging him

you pulled back watching the woman scan your items

you glanced around seeing a gorgeous looking purple 2 peice

you-omg stay here for me

you quickly ran over lifting up the 2 peice and checking the size

you said happily walking back over as he chuckled

keiza-ur size?

you-1 down but it'll still fit me i dont care its beautiful

keiza-yeah it will fit you
he reassured you again due to ashton's rude comment earlier

saying it wouldn't fit around my ass and thighs isnt a compliment ashton.

you've saw me naked, so what? that has nothing to do with a peice of clothing, so petty

thanks for knocking my confidence away.

you pulled your money out ready to pay the woman for when shes done

keiza-oh wow ur therapist
he smiled tapping your badge on your bag

you-yeah and yourself?

keiza-a boring bartender
he replied

you-bartenders aren't boring my mom's a bartender in vegas
you smiled boosting his confidence a little more

keiza-ur moms very lucky

you-heck yeah she is

keiza-how old are you if you dont mind me asking?

you-23, you?

he smiled happy with ur answer

woamn-alright that'll be 112.45 please

you-jesus christ i got alot
you chuckled pulling out more money as ashton slid beside you paying for you

ashton-thank you
he smiled to the woman taking ur bags

you-what, no i wanted to pay it's my clothes ashton

ashton-what, i can't pay for you baby?

keiza-after ur rude comment i wouldn't want you to pay
he admitted confidently staring at ashton

ashton-lets go y/n

you-but i wanted a jacket i wash just carrying too much

ashton-i said let's go
he demanded now annoyed by keiza

or was he....scared?

you chuckled in disbelief stepping out his way

you-dont let me stop you from you leaving
you gave him a little smile walking over to the jackets

ashton's so fucking rude at them minute, fix up ash ur meeting my family tommorow

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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