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you had a long hot shower having and washing your body leaving your hair fresh and curly

you took your hair tie out letting your hair flow down your back and changed into a more comfortable outfit for the airport

you changed into some comfortable and stretchy jeans pairing it with a long sleeved black body suit

you stood in the mirror fixing your curls and smiling lightly

no makeup
you felt pretty again.

you spun around in a circle keeping your eyes on yourself in the mirror

you giggled happy with the look and looked over seeing ashton trying to get ur attention

ashton smiled at you and ran his hands down like he was tracing your body shape

ashton-i like this outift
he mouthed making you giggle

his so adorable. i cant believe how quickly i can just forgive him, his driving me crazy.

you picked up your airport bags and called your dad making your way through the house

dad-hi honeyy

you-hey dad im about to leave for the airport um what's my flight boarding number?

dad-when you get there just tell the front desk ur name and they will guide you there

you smiled locked your house up

you-okay thank you

dad-of course y/n

you-i love you see you soon

dead-love you more, see you soon sweetie

you smiled ending the call seeing your uber arrive

ashton turned around sliding his keys into his pocket smiling to you

you opened the car door climbing one side and ashton climbed in the other

you-the ** airport please

the guy smiled driving off

ashton's head rested on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist hugging you

you-ur touchy
you whispered glancing down to his face

ashton-can i not give my girl cuddles?

you smiled
you-by all means

he snuggled into your chest and the minutes passed by you soon arrived at the airport

you-thank you
you smiled paying the guy and walking in with ashton

you had around an hour before you had to take off so you went and grabbed some food eating it on your way to security

you soon arrived there and went through the long process of scanners and all sorts

ashton-so were are we going again?

you giggled

ashton-ur parents dont live together?

you-no they do but my dads tournaments and races are usually in miami

ashton-oh okay
he smiled finishing his food placing the rubbish into the trash and you two stood in line waiting to get to the front desk

you-my fucking head is killing me
you whispered to yourself

ashton-i can give you a head massage when we get to our jet
he smiled running his fingertips up and down your arms

you glanced over hearing a familiar voice and seeing liah stood stressing out

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