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you leant against the counter adding a sigh before his hands fell to your face

ashton-i promise you y/n, i love every inch of you and i just meant it that flared jeans are tight at the top and smaller size wouldnt work on your beautiful thighs

ashton-or maybe i bruised your ass too much and its swollen that's why they wont fit

you giggled wiping your eyes

ashton-please look at me when im talking to you

you glanced up looking into his eyes

ashton-i love you
he whispered

ashton-i love your body too, there's nothing, not a single thing that can change my mind about you.

rowan-says the one who was cheating on her last night, theres clearly somebody better in ur head

ashton threw his head down taking a deep breathe

you-i forgive you for that ignore him
you reassured him lifting his head back up

ashton-his he asked for a punch in the face or a kick in the balls?
he asked you and you smiled

rowan-im right here listening to ur bullshit story and ur just gonna hurt her again and again-

ashton-listen to me rowan, i have never intentionally hurt her in any way possible and i don't intend on doing it anytime at all in fucking history. so go on carry on attacking me and you'll get ur fucking mouth punch in

you-alright ash thats enough his just worried for me-

ashton-his got nothing to worry about
he said turning around in a swift motion making you jump back against the counter frightened

jesus christ ashton.

ashton-did you think i was gonna hit you?
he asked concerned

rowan said annoyed now getting up

you-im fine you just moved so quickly-

ashton-are you kidding me? i wouldn't lay a finger on you considering my past y/n

rowan-ashton just get out

you-just leave, please ash

ashton stood in pure shock before glancing over to rowan

ashton-sorry what

you-you have a bag to pack and groceries to put away

ashton-i cant fucking believe this
he whispered walking to the front door ad leaving extremely annoyed and confused

rowan's hands fell to your arms

rowan-you alright? did he actually touch you?

you-no he didn't i just want you two separated
you sighed going to pack your bags for your little trip to miami

rowan-im sorry for arguing with him but i hate to see you crying y/n

you-okay please just get over it. your just as bad as eachother sorry after sorry just shut up

rowan-right, my apologises
he apologised folding up a few outfit for you to pack as you put toiletries, makeup, curling iron, towels and many more items needed in the bag.

you had finished packing your bag by 3pm and zipping it up putting it on your couch

you-how did your talk with tali go?

rowan-fine, she just explained that she'd also fallen out of love with me

you-how'd you take it

rowan-fine because it's not her i like anymore

you sighed whispering
you-it's me

rowan-but i know how you feel about me dont get all guilty and cry again

you chuckled
you-not funny

rowan-ive gotta get going, i just came to tell you about tali and i

you-okay, i'll see you from wednesday. dad's race tommorow and then im racing tuesday
you smiled excited

rowan-its good to see you smile
he replied softly closing the door behind him and you fell back onto the couch exhausted already.

airport for 8pm, flight by 10.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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