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warning: ptsd and trauma mention!

his hand held yours tightly and clearly frightened yet aware of his surroundings

you noticed and gently began to rub your thumb off his hand catching his attention

his eyes fell down to your hand with a smile

he took a couple breathes looking up to you

you nodded to him adding a smile looking back this top you wanted to get

you chose out a couple nice tops, blazer, jackets and dresses for work soon getting to the counter and paying

??-wow his beautiful where'd you get him?
the cashier asked you glancing to ashton beside you

you chuckled glancing to him as he glanced back to you with that soft smile

you-i dont think theres any left, his rare
you rubbed it in her face as ashton took the bag she chuckled

??-u chose a rude one huh?
she asked ashton

ashton-feisty is the correct word
he smirked gladly walking out with you and you both laughed as you got out

you-i am not feisty im a god damn therapist. im nice and understanding and-

his addictivly deep and spanish tone cut you off
ashton-perfect, your perfect

you smiled glancing down to his hand that no longer held yours

you furrowed your eyebrows before he grabbed your hand back quickly

you glanced up seeing 2 guys looking in your direction as you turning his head to you

you-hey hey, ur fine you need to breathe ash. pretend they aren't there

he took a deep breathe
ashton-im going crazy. this all went away after i moved out and now its came back to eat me alive and i dont even know why. maybe becuase my brothers funeral was 4 years ago this week but im losing my entire brain
he whispered quickly as if was an embarrassing secret

you-you feel my hand, yeah?
you ran your left hand up his shirt your right one holding his

ashton-yeah i feel your hands, they're super soft

you chuckled happy that he kept his eyes on you and didn't look around frantic and worried

you-yeah my super soft hands. im here, im here becuase you can feel me. they're not here because you can't feel them alright? its just us 2
you smiled nodding to him as his head fell to your shoulder

ashton-could we just take a minute, sit somewhere?

you glanced around seeing a small bench and turned back to him

you-sure we can sit
you lead him to the bench and took a seat with him as he sunk back into the dark oak wood taking a deep breathe with his eyes closed

you slid your hand onto his leg to keep it known to him that you were there

he opened his eyes looking down to your hand

ashton-am i crazy?
he asked looking back up to the guys that walked closer to you both

you-no your definitely not crazy, your just dealing with some horrible ptsd triggers you're gonna be okay
you smiled turning his head back to you

you-look i know you wanna look at them because your thoughts are telling you to get up and run because they're going to hurt you but i can tell you now that nobody's going to hurt you. i need you to keep your eyes on me, or ur phone i dont mind but not them

he nodded running his hand into yours his eyes up and down you

you-whnever your ready i wanna go ot the perfume shop over there
you pointed with to it with a smile but he didn't look. he kept his eyes on you

ashton-i cant look
he admitted

ashton-actually, scrap that. i dont want to look. ur a much better view
he smirked as you nudge him standing up infront of him

you-when this used to happen what would you do?

ashton chuckled
ashton-stay away from as many men as possible

ashton-and focus on work, well try too at least

you-nothiny else? no sort of harm, drinks or objects to take the fear away?

ashton-harm would just bring it all back again so definitely not. drinks have calmed me recently as you've seen i've had wine and whiskey this past week but back then i did have this one bubble tea thing because i was obviously too young to but alcohol

you-bubble tea, i love bubble tea
you smiled roaming the mall for the stall that made bubble tea [also known as boba or whatever you wanna call it]

you-here, let's go
you smiled putting your hands out to him as he took them getting out the seat.

he took the bag in his right your hand in his left and arrived at the stall

it was they usual man there. decently tall, around the same height as ashton. brown eyes, black hair, muscular
a normal man maybe 20s, 30s pushing?

??-whay can i get you today?
he asked you as you smiled glancing to ashton who has now gone literally pale and held your hand tightly

did he know the guy? im confused but something is definitely off..

you-hey how about you go take a seat i'll get ur drink
you smiled as ashton quickly looked to you

ashton-yeah thank you
he literally begged you that thansk taking a seat back at that little bench

??-woah this a bit on edge

you-you think? i dont think so?
you asked offended by the guys words. it's not nice to notice that type of stuff and if you do, dont point it out

??-oh um my bad what did you want sorry?
he asked politely glancing to other people beside you

you-just 2 normal boba teas please

he nodded and began to make them as you slid aside glancing to the same 2 guys that were distracting ashton now stood beside you

1-whats a pretty girl like you doing with him?

you-him had a name and im not interested in compliments
you brushed him aside hearing his friend chuckle

2-ignore him ur guy is hot to be honest

you chuckled glancing over to ashton who walked back and forth slowly infront of the bench on his phone call

you-fuck yeah he is
you smiled to the nicer male

2-what does he do for work his got muscle

you-what you gonna do, stalk him
you chuckled making him laugh with you

2-who do you think i am, a stalker?

you payed the guy as he passed you your 2 drinks

you thanked him walked past the 2 guys ignoring his question

your arm was yanked back as you hit his chest oyou quickly pushed off him

you-what the fuck is ur problem!?
you shouted shoving his hand off glancing over to ashton who now stared at you and the guys

??-is there an issue here?
a tall security guard asked

you-yes, they're following me around  touching and harassing me
you may have over exaggerated it to get them gone for not only hr purpose but ashton's.

he was going literally insane all because of those guys

??-boys you better go before its the police's job

he one guy scoffed while the guards escorted them out you met back to ashton

wtf is their deal? did they want info on ashton or did they just wanna take me from him to touch me up

longer episode!

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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