18 2 0

you sat doing your makeup humming some songs before ashton's body blocked the bedroom light..

ashton-everything alright?
ashton asked checking in on you

you-yeah im okay, i think we should grab me some medicine from the pharmacy on the way to dinner though
you smiled looking over to his upset eyes

ashton-yeah that's fine
he agreed as you packed your makeup away

you-i'll be better in no time theres nothing to worry about i can see it in yours eyes ash
you smiled kissing his cheek sliding past him picking out a pretty black dress to wear for tonight

ashton-you look beautiful tonight
he complimented as you fixed your dress in the mirror staring at his face

his upset over that test. okay no more tests, 3 have confirmed ur not pregnant and ur slowly shattering his heart y/n

ashton-hello y/n
he caught your attention as you turned to him

you-sorry what did you say?

ashton-i said let's go you sure ur up for it tonight?
he asked again now concerned

you-ashton im fine lets go
you smiled and soon enough arrived outside the pharmacy

you-you can stay here i'll only be a minute

ashton-are you sure?

you-yeah im sure
you smiled walking into the pharmacy grabbing a few packets and bottles of medicine that would help you

you walked out the pharmacy sliding back into the car as ashton smiled

ashton-you look so good do we have to go tonight?
he asked with his eyes following you as you slid into the car

you-yes we do it would be nice to have another couple we know
you smiled and so did ashton

ashton-if it makes you happy
he gently kissed your hand setting it down onto his leg as he drove

dinner was going well but all you could think about was ashton. this baby stuff is getting to him and i can see it in his eyes

taymen-y/n do you want another drink?
he asked

you-oh yes please just another coke is fine
you smiled sticking to ur non alcoholic beverages, maybe if you didn't drink alcohol ashton would do the same..

ashton-you don't want anything stronger? ive put you through alot recently
he whispered in question and you smiled

you-im fine ash you haven't done anything and i wouldn't wanna be hungover and sick all at once, you should get cola too

ashton lifted your hand into his

ashton-somethings on ur mind what is it?
he asked and you glanced down at his hand caressing yours

you-you ash, these tests are really getting to you i can tell
you replied honestly as he spun ur head to his

ashton-ur worrying about me?

you-yes i am worried. how do you feel? ur surrounded by loads of people

ashton-i feel fine because i know ur here with me, baby these tests are to keep you reassured when ur ready so am i
he smiled gently kissing ur lips and you smiled sliding your hands onto his chest both parting

ashton-one more
he whispered gently kissing ur lips a second time making you giggle

you-ash were in public

ashton-i dont care, let the whole world know were together
he smiled as tallula and taymen arrived back with drinks the rest of the night went smoothly and you were now saying your goodbyes

you-it was nice to meet you too i can't believe tali didn't tell me earlier
you both laughed as you hugged tallula

tallula-ur pregnant aren't you
she asked against ur neck and you pulled back in shock

you-what i-

tallula-the food posioning, no alcohol ur pregnant y/n
she confirmed and you shook your head

you-no im not, im genuinely sick and focused on ash

tallula-have you took a test?

you-yeah 3 they're all negative, it's too early for that anyway talu

tallula-how is he?
she smiled glancing over to him talking with her boyfriend

you-i can tell all these negative tests are getting to him but his doing alot better therapy wise

tallula-well you better reassure him
she winked and you laughed giving her a nudge

ashton-come on you guys have the longest goodbyes in history

he made you both laugh and you walked over to them soon arriving back home.

you-how does a hot bath and massage sound?
you asked him sliding your jacket into your closet glancing back to him and his eyes light up

ashton-i'd love that
he agreed wrapping his arms around you hugging you

you slid your hands onto his slightly swaying hearing him take a deep breathe

ashton-all the people at dinner were effecting me but i didn't want you to rush out of there with me

you-ash ur suppose to tell me these things
you turned around facing his guilty eyes

ashton-i just didn't wanna ruin the moment you were so excited

you slid your hands onto his chest looking into his soft eyes

you-you're my main priority if something is up you tell me right away

he nodded sliding his hand onto your cheek tucking your hair behind your ear

ashton-i love you
he whispered and you smiled melting against his lips

you pulled him down by his shirt sliding your hands onto his face pulling back

you-lets go get in the bath
you whispered watching him smile and so you both undressed yourself waiting for the bath to fill, you took your makeup off whilst he prepared both of your pjs

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