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ashton-what the fuck, he just yanked you to him!
he said clearly not happy

you-im fine see, no marks no nothing they're not welcome back otherwise it's the police they deal with
you smiled passing ashton his boba

you-now, drink. its super yummy
you smiled sipping from yours as he chuckled happily at you

ashton-your so positive. all the time. no matter whats going on your just so, happy

you smiled swallowing the boba walking with him to the perfume store
you-honestly, im only happy when im with you

ashton-shut up what a lie

you chuckled
you-no im serious ash, my friends aren't exactly friend material. one of them is a stripper and the other works 2 jobs, office worker by day and god damn drug dealer by night

he laughed following you into the store

ashton-well then, i guess i am the best option

you-thats what i didnt ask, did you ever turn to pills or drugs because of this?

ashton shook his drink catching your attention
ashton-moving on remember

your right, let's save it for tommorows session
you smiled going around the perfumes to find your usual one that had recently ran out

ashton-but yes. all the time

you glanced over to him shocked by his answer


ashton-yes illegal
he sighed not impressed himself

ashton-all of them too
he chculled glancing down to the ground

ashton-her0ine, w33d
he named a few sipping from his drink

you-carry on, while your calm i'd like to know. i wont comment if you dont want me too, its rude to either way
you smiled

ashton-yeah please dont i was an absolute mess 4 years ago

ashton-but well, they just took the physical pain of the scars and burns away but after my brother passed i stopped because i had moved out the following week. bye bye abusers
he chuckled as you sprayed some of your usual perfume onto you he leant down smelling it on your skin

ashton-wow, fruity and strong
he smiled taking the bottle from your hand

you-its mens actually, the smell lasts longer but its the most feminine mens colgone i could find

ashton-well it smells amazing
he took another sip from his drink

ashton-you know, i thought this never worked anymore but i feel oddly calm considering im in a huge building full of people and all i can focus on is our convosation and how good this drink is

you chuckled smiling to him

you-do you know how happy that makes me? your getting through it ash

biggest goal, to get him out in public without needing me or the boba. he needs to be able to walk around freely on his own again without that fear hanging over his shoulders

he smiled slipping the money onto the counter for ur perfume/cologne

you had only just realised in admirable dimples that lay either side of his smile.
god his adorable.

you walked out adding yet another bag to the collection

ashton smiled.. but not his usual soft smile he had definitely forced it.
he took your hand in his quickly looking around

ashton-the guys haven't left my head and i cant just walk around in here anymore im so fucking scared y/n. i know i said in the store i was fine but now i can see all the people im terrified

he whispered looking down towards you wanting you to literally hold him safe

you-ur fine baby. those guys were nothing to you and these people aren't gonna touch you, i can promise you that

you grabbed his arms as he face you

you-we are moving on remember baby? you got this and im here every single step alright

he nodded but it quickly turned into his shaking his head no

ashton-why is this happening to me. i'm gonna crumble and then all that stuff i was talking about the drugs and the-

you smashed your lips onto his shutting him up as he sighed in relief holding you against him

you-your not gonna see them again it's fine im here
you smiled

you-but please just trust me when i say that they aren't going to touch no, speak or even look at you anymore. ur fine, they left they got escorted out. now let's go grab lunch hunny

ashton nodded
ashton-alright i wont think about it, i dont want too

ashton opened his car door falling back against the seat with tears in his eyes with the guys obviously still on his mind

ashton-they obviously knew me to be asking questions about my work right? y/n i mean, what if they know my office and come to see me or-

you-ashton, nobody's touching you or even looking into you to harm you
you reassured him realising your shopping bags weren't in the car, they were gone

you-omg my bags
you whispered glancing around

you-i'll be back, i want you to take deep breathes and drink ur bubble tea for me

you climbed out the car hearing him frantically talking to you

ashton-no you cant leave, not now im scared they'll jump my car

you closed the car door on him as he glanced up to you, your eyes fell back to him blowing him a kiss making him smile

you-i'll be fast
you mouthed seeing him nod, upset but still agreeing, and with that you went back inside seeing the 2 bags right where he left them at the perfume store

you grabbed them meeting him back in the car

you-alright, lunch time
you smiled

a little nice quiet lunch place sounds good to me. im so social myself

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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