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you got out your car taking the bags inside and trying everything on now getting to the flares jeans

moment of truth.
you pulled them up under your ass noticing they were too tight already

he was right.

im too big for them.

you stood in the mirror attempting to pull them up but not being able too

you began to tear up staring at the jeans obviously upset

you heard the front door open but payed no attention clearly unfazed focusing on yourself and the stupid jeans.

they were only 1 size down. you just didn't understand.

am i that big?
you thought running your hands down to your thighs upset

rowan-oh no, insecure again?

you turned around letting a tear fall as he fell to you wrapping his arms around you

you-ashton said they wouldn't fit and they don't i feel so stupid rowan

rowan-he said what now?

you pulled back looking up to his eyes hearing light footsteps outfit ur bedroom door

you-he said because of how big my legs and ass was it wouldn't fit
you repeated for him as his expression turned annoyed

rowan-he dont deserve you


rowan-he dont deserve you, not in a million years. he doesn't appreciate how beautiful your figure is and he has the fucking nerve to criticize you on it?

his right. it was so rude the way it came out his mouth and i do deserve somebody who enjoys every bit of me.

rowan-look me in my eyes y/n

you looked up to his eyes, yours watery

rowan-i love every part of your body, your thick thighs are gorgeous and your stomach is so perfectly flat. i can tell you now that theres nothing to worry about with your body, you are gorgeous

he reassured you pulling your head to his chest in a hug

you-i just feel stupid, i should have known that a size down wouldn't fit but i just hoped, i prayed so god damn hard that it wouldn't matter
you whispered letting all the tears fall from your eyes

rowan-his made you this upset over a stupid pair of jeans, i dont want no more fucking tears over that man. this is the 4th time his made you cry im done with it y/n, stop looking down keep ur head up to mine

you looked back up as his hands fixed your makeup and tears

rowan-ur ruining your pretty makeup

you-i dont care im fat
you said upset as he hands fell around your face

rowan-no, no your not y/n your beautiful don't let him get in ur head

rowan spun you around facing the mirror and you two immediately noticed ashton stood by the doorway clearly guilty

you quickly turned around taking the jeans off and throwing on the bed and sliding your previous skirt on


you-no just forget it, it's just a pair of jeans it doesn't matter

you slid past ashton and into the kitchen to grab a drink

rowan-well done mate, shattering her heart for the fucking 3th time already

ashton-i didn't mean it in a rude way, im fucking in love with every inch of her!
they argued

rowan-well she obviously took it the wrong way and guess what, you didn't fucking apologise well enough because shes upset about it ashton!

ashton-i cant express enough how beautiful she is, i tell her 2 thousand times day and mean every single one of them so i apologise if i made you upset rowan because you seem to care so fucking much about how much i love her!

you pressed your hands against your head done with their arguing already and wating to burst out on tears or anger, you hadn't decided yet

rowan-fuck yeah i care, i care so fucking much because you dont understand what the fuck shes been through. shes literally been set these standards her entire life from every fucking man shes met and one of them went so far to hurt her because of it! so excuse me if im just a little upset ashton!!

you-oh my god will you 2 just shut the fuck up!
you shouted shutting them both up

you-rowan you care too much and ashton you made another mistakes let's get over it already! it's a pair of fucking jeans!!

ashton-who hurt you

rowan-take 1 guess
rowan replied now calmer than before falling back onto he couch

you whispered removing your hands from your face

ashton-his the one that ra-

you-yes he did can we not talk about my past with that man, im dating you not him or rowan or fucking atticus if you care about that too, you ashton

im dating him. ashton

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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