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your pov-

you must have fallen asleep because you woke up beside a sleep rowan and rolled over


you got up rubbing your eyes and going into the kitchen for water

my throat is so fucking dry.

you sipped from the glass seeing sady throw her jacket back on

his finally done i see.

ashton-dont contact me again

what? how can i hear him??

sady-i wont but thank you ash

ashton-dont fucking thank me sady shes never gonna talk to me again just get out

sady slid her hand onto his as he threw her off

ashton-i said get out

sady was quick to leave as ashton fell back against the couch he rubbed his face before looking up to you

ashton-ur still awake
he said surprised staring at you

how can i hear him. i dont understand how i can hear him

you glanced around your window seeing the left one cracked open

he must have his open too and becuase of how big and echoey our houses are i can hear him.

you nodded in response

you-good fuck?
you asked annoyed as he also looked very confused

ashton-how can i hear you
he asked making you giggle

you-both our windows are open and our houses are very big so the sound echoes loud enough for us to hear

ashton-god it's so hot how you know that
he said pushing off the couch fixing his fresh joggers

ashton-i didn't fuck her

you-i dont believe you

ashton-the only way i was gonna get rid of her is goodbye sex. shes a needy little fucking girl but as soon as i saw ur face i couldn't touch her, she had her fun and left. i didn't touch any of her

you-so she sucked you off and left

ashton-if you wanna put it that way

you-did you enjoy it?

ashton-you cant ask me that

you placed ur glass down adding a chuckle

you-i said did you enjoy it

ashton-yes because i thought of you
he blurted out in embarrassment

you-you what
you blurted out speaking your mind

ashton-i thought of you
he repeated now stood beside the side of his couch still staring at you

ashton-i like the little bow socks
he smiled pointing near to the ground

you glanced down at your white socks that had these small bows on the top

you-rowan got them me a while ago, he thought they were gloves
you giggled hoping to rub it in his face but he just smiled

ashton-did he get the cool top too?
he asked

i cant believe im talking to him not only thought our open windows but at all for that matter.

you-no, my dad got it me. i think it's pretty obvious with the race car on it

ashton-is it his car he races?
he asked taking a seat still staring at you

you nodded also taking a seat
you-yeah, 19, black and yellow that's him

ashton-im sure it's the coolest car there

you giggled
you-fuck yeah it is, his driving it so of course it's the coolest one there. he got into the finals recently

he asked not aware of how racing works

you-you race to first place and first place gets a trophy and money, alot of money

ashton-you didn't sound so shock about him getting into the finals, how come?

you-he always wins

ashton-i bet he does in a car looking like that

you smiled at his little interest in your dads racing.

youe dad was always the man you cared for the most. he'd call and message about how much progress he was making and sometimes he'd even book you flights and tickets to watch him race

you-i hope he invites me to the final race on monday

ashton-i hope he does too, you deserve a break

you-even if it meant you'd miss ur session on monday which i probably would of cancelled anyway?

ashton-i dont care about my sessions, i care about ur happiness

he cares for me not himself.

his not self centred or selfish when it comes to me

ashton-you should get some sleep

i dont want too. i want to sit here and stare at him.

you-not just yet
you replied lying back on the couch watching him stare at you

ashton-you are so beautiful
he complimented you titling his head to yours

it was adorable. the little head tilt.

you-i know
you replied making him smile

ashton-glad you've came to your senses because last time you were staring into the mirror saying you were ugly

which i am but im trying not to take in your small little gestures that will make me fall right back into ur trap.

you sat in silence not sure of what to reply hearing him chuckle

ashton-you dont think ur beautiful do you. you just dont want to accept my compliments because you hate me

i dont hate you it's the complete opposite actually.

im so obsessed with you that it hurts when i see you

you-the complete opposite actually
you admitted sitting up with your now empty glass

he said confused with his smile growing bigger by the second

you-i dont hate you, you've just hurt me

ashton-because ive done all these bad things, god im an idiot
he hit his head off the back of his chair with a sigh falling from his lips

you said softly putting your glass away into the dishwasher and going into your bedroom

you opened the blinds to let some moonlight into the room, which would help you sleep a little better.

you lay back down wrapping your arms around rowan gently kissing his cheek

you watched him smile and you laughed

you-ur suppose to be asleep

rowan-and ur talking to ashton

he heard it all.
what am i doing stringing him along like this.

commit or choose ashton y/n and think quick.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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