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you arrived at the race track taking your seats beside your mom and brother

mom-omg hey honeyyy who's this?

you-my boyfriend ashton
you smiled introducing him and he gave them both a small wave

ashton-it's nice to meet you both

mom-oh wow hunny his super sexy


ashton chuckled sliding back into his seat as his phone light up

??-ur at the race?

he glanced down confused and began to type

ashton-kenna or some random pedo?

??-its kenna, look ahead of you

he glanced up seeing her seat direction opposite of him

oh my god

you glanced from her back to his phone

she said

ashton-oh my god that girls here
he said turning to you

you-i know
you laughed

you-shes on the opposite side that means shes for our enemy, number 21

ashton-no way

??-alright ladies and gentle the race is about to commence in 10!

they began to do the countdown and you guys watched them race around the track cheering for obviously your dad

ashton-jesus christ this is intense
he whispered leant towards ur ear

you-tell me about it, they go around 3 times and then whoever crosses it first wins. 21 is absolutely done
you chuckled as ashton ran his hand onto your thigh watching the race

it was now on the last turn and you all sat tenced up seeing your dad pass first

you-omg yes!
you shouted shooting out your seat grabbing the bar

mom-he never loses
your mom chuckled happily standing beside you

you smield seeing him climb out the car and give you guys a wave

you glanced over to 21 seeing a very attractive and tall male climb out and pull his hat off

you climbed down the stairs and went down to your dads side hugging him

you-you won!

dad-i was under so much pressure his so good

you-you did it tho

he chuckled glancing to ashton beside you

ashton-that was amazing watch, its nice to meet you
he smiled shaking his hand

dad-thank you, as your my daughter boyfriend?

he nodded
ashton-yeah that's me, ashton

dad-juce to meet you ashton

you-do we celebrate now?!

everybody laughed

dad-you guys can go wait by the entrance i'll be there in a few

mom-go on honey we'll meet you there

you smiled and nodded making your way to 21's area where you had to exit

you glanced up to the tall male who fixed his hair quickly getting caught in a gaze at you

you-you played well
you mouthed to him seeing him smile.

you exited the building now stood outside waiting for the others

ashton-that was amazing
ahston smiled holding his arms around you

you-it always is and now we go celebrate the victory
you smiled to ashton gently kissing his lips

kenna-i cant believe you lost

??-oh kenna, you need to learn to be happy for him. his the reigning champion i didn't think i'd get close to winning either way
the guy spoke to kenna

kenna-but your amazing at racing!

he chuckled looking up meeting his eyes with yours again

??-excuse me
he said to her walking over to you

you-go comfort kenna

ashton chuckled whispered to you
ashton-ur crazy

the guy now stood infront of you focusing on ur outift

he offered you his hand

you glanced down to his hand shaking it confused

??-ur dad won
he chuckled

you-you know me?

??-when i see ur face i never forget it, of course i know you

you-well its nice to meet you racer 21

he laughed
??-please, call me quince

you-its nice to meet you
you smiled

quince-and you two y/n, your even more beautiful in person

you laughed
you-is this tryna get an invite to the celebration party?

quince-oh no im just happy i finally met you
he kissed your hand and you shook your head no fazed not impressed by his gestures

you-have a good night quince
you smiled seeing ur dad walk out and everybody cheer he waved thank you

he shook quince's hand

quince-i didn't think i'd get close to beating you, your an amazing racer

your dad chuckled
dad-so are you i was under crazy pressure your just as good

he bowed a little
quince-thank you sir

kenna came over glancing to your dad in shock

she said with a little smile and he chuckled

dad-and you are?

kenna-his sister
she smiled as ashton came back over you smiled to him

brother-alright let's go i wanna celebrate!!
your brother said leading the way to your cars

you followed climbing in with ashton smiling

what a game.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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