Chapter 92: Fight The Army Part 2

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(Davidson's POV)

I watched as Imperium got up, his energy is through the roof. I tightly gripped onto my trident, black energy pouring out of my body.

Top: Shit. We need to be careful. It's clear that something is different about Imperium this time.

Davidson: You're going to die!

Top: Wait a damn second!

The black energy around me formed into a phoenix as I dashed at Imperium. I tried to slash at him, but I felt something stop me. I looked and saw a giant arm made out of red energy grabbed onto my phoenix.

(Y/N): Sorry, King. That won't work again.

I saw more of a body form from his red energy. The energy formed to look like Super with Imperium in the middle of it. It kicked me up, sending me high into the air.

Davidson: An energy avatar?!

Tyler: If you weren't trying to hit him with everything you got, then nows the time!

I saw Ivy's dragon try to attack the avatar, but it quickly punched the dragon down into the ground. It made some energy chains and wrapped it around the dragon's neck. The Super avatar stood on the dragon's back and pulled back on the chains.

Dragon: L-Let go of me!

(Y/N): Down.

The dragon stopped struggling and rested its head down on the ground.

Ivy: Hey! What happened to your fight?!

Dragon: I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it with the way he commanded me...

Ivy: Girl, now isn't the time for that!

Crap, looks like that isn't going to work anymore. I landed on the ground and looked over at Katie.

Davidson: Katie, keep him distracted!

Katie: Right!

Katie dashed over and kicked at the Super avatar, making it stumble back. Solana quickly got in front of me.

Solana: I'm out of usable light. Give me energy to absorb.

I started to let out more dark energy as Solana started to absorb it to turn it into light.

Davidson: That avatar is going to take a lot to take down. Ashley! Now's your go!

Ashley looked over at me and nodded her head. She clasped her hands together as I saw blood from all across the planet gathering at Ashley. She used the blood to make a huge avatar of her own. Katie quickly got out of the way and got next to me. She put her hand on Solana's back.

Katie: Go assist Ashley. I'll focus on recharging Solana.

Solana: Make sure to give as much energy as you can spare.

Davidson: Did you tell Isabelle-

Katie: To make Grace ready? Already covered!

I smiled to myself as a bunch of black energy started to burst off my body. I started to laugh as I ran forward at Imperium. Ashley ran forward and made a giant scythe and swung it around at Imperium's energy. He blocked the scythe swing, but I jumped up and stabbed my trident into the energy avatar, almost piercing into Imperium.

Davidson: Ahahahahaha! Are you ready for a ride?!

Ashley quickly got behind the avatar and held it as tight as she could.

Ashley: Hurry up and get him out!

I quickly slashed my trident wildly, destroying the energy avatar and making the red energy scatter everywhere. I tried to slash at Imperium, but he shouted as a huge blast came from his body, knocking me and Ashley away. The blast got rid of the heavy storm clouds, revealing it was now nighttime thanks to Isabelle.

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