Chapter 58: Space And Time Team Up

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(Isabelle's POV)

Me and Tyler got our guard up. Growth smiled at us. He disappeared appeared from our line of sight. I immediately stopped time for everything, except for Tyler.

Tyler: Crap. Where did he go?

I looked around and saw looked behind me, seeing Growth right behind me and Tyler.

Isabelle: Behind us.

Tyler jumped back and so did I. I resumed time again. Tyler used his Power on the rubble in the road, giving it a purple aura, and surrounded it around Growth.

Tyler: Time to crush you.

I saw sparks coming out of the rubble. The rubble blasted off. Growth smirked and brushed some pebbles off his shoulder. Growth appeared right in front of me and punched my stomach.

Isabelle: Guh!

I rewinded time a couple seconds, making Growth go back to brushing some pebbles off his shoulder. I put out a knife from me jacket and got in front of Growth. I slashed at him, but his body faded away. I felt a kick to my side, sending me into a building.

Isabelle: Ow, what the hell happened?

Tyler appeared next to me and grabbed my arm. He teleported up to on top of a nearby building.

Tyler: Growth was way smarter than I thought. I saw it. He moved so fast that he left some kind of after image. I assume you went back in time?

Isabelle: Yeah, I did.

Tyler: Damn. He read you like a book. He's playing a lot of defensive options and we don't even realize it.

Growth: Yes, I see. What do you think we should do about that?

I heard his voice behind me. Before me or Tyler could do anything, Growth punched the both of us in the stomach. The force of the attack sent us back and we crashed into another building. I saw Growth jump towards us.

Tyler: Got you.

Tyler snapped his finger, making a purple aura surrounded Growth, keeping him in place. I took the knife in my hand and made several from different points in time appear in the air. I launched the knifes at Growth. They all stabbed into Growth, making blood spill out of his wounds.

Isabelle: Finally, we got a good hit.

Growth: And that will be your last.

More energy started to come off Growth's body as the purple aura shattered and the knifes leaving his body. Growth quickly flew over to me and Tyler and grabbed us by the necks. Growth threw me down to the ground, making a huge crater in the road. Growth threw Tyler up, making him fly to the sky and with the speed he's going he'll go into space.

Isabelle: This is going to suck.

I started to focus as I quickly made it from daytime to nighttime. I looked up and saw the moon. A purple aura surrounded it and part of it broke off, making a bunch of chunks.

Isabelle: ...At least he landed on the moon.

The chunks of the moon started to fall down towards the city. Growth smiled and brought his hand up. A huge blast of green energy came from his hand and destroyed all the falling pieces of moon. I stood up and saw Tyler appear next to me. I saw him holding a small star in his hand.

Tyler: Now that he's busy with that, you mind using your Power to duplicate this?

I sighed.

Isabelle: Please stop relying on me to do things for you.

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